Disconnectivity Graphs of Spin Glass Systems On Snub Archimedean (32, 4, 3, 4) Lattices

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Mathematics and Natural Sciences


We use augmented disconnectivity graphs to visualize and analyze the energy landscapes of small spin systems confined to Snub Archimedean lattices of type (32,4,3,4). The disconnectivity graphs show how the different types of energy minima are connected in a two-dimensional representation. They visualize the types of minima, their lowest energy barriers, and their respective sizes. We distinguish between different minimum energy structures, namely regular minima and dales. Additionally, to the disconnectivity graphs, we will discuss the distribution of the types of minima, their average size for the respective energy levels, and barrier heights. The disconnectivity graphs for each model have distinctive features that give valuable insight into their complexity concerning state transitions and difficulties that optimization procedures could face.

Publication Title

APS March Meeting 2024
