Understanding the Structure and Dynamics of Conjugated Polymers by Advancing Deuteration Chemistry and Neutron Scattering (Final Report)

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Polymer Science and Engineering


The overarching goal of the proposed work was to set up a partnership between the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to develop novel approaches to measure the backbone rigidity of conjugated polymers (CPs) and understand the critical role of sidechains on the backbone conformation and the materials macroscopic property. The backbone rigidity greatly influences the electronic properties of CPs, which ultimately determines the functionality and performance of these materials. Improvements in the electronic properties of CPs would allow for enhanced charge transport in semiconductor devices, improved photovoltaic performance, recycling of waste heat in thermoelectrics, and discovery of new phenomena that will enable the next generation of energy technologies. Although significant progress has been made to optimize the optical and electronic properties of CPs, largely through Edisonian methodologies, it remains a challenge to experimentally characterize conjugated backbone conformation (chain rigidity, torsion, planarity, and short-range order) and relate these to the fundamental optical and electronic properties (electronic coupling, charge transport, etc.). This has left fundamental gaps in our knowledge of the most basic structure/property relationships within these systems, precluded the study of fundamental physical phenomena, and constrained the design and realization of new electronic and device functionalities. Thus, the major goal of this work is to use novel deuteration methodologies via systematic synthetic approaches, and neutron scattering techniques to comprehensively characterize the structural and dynamic properties of CPs in contrast-matching solvents. Our work would, for the first time, elucidate the relationship between backbone rigidity and macroscopic properties. They will also allow a rational formulation of design principles for next-generation CPs that are resilient to disorder through precise control of the delocalized electrons along the polymer backbone. Overall, this project will advance our understanding of the structure, dynamics, and fundamental physics of these materials, which is crucial for enabling the prediction, design, control, and manipulation of current and emerging material electronic properties.

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