Privacy-Aware Blockchain-Based AV Parking System Registration Scheme

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Computing Sciences and Computer Engineering


Innovation and automation remain at the forefront of every evolving technological trend, and Autonomous Vehicles (AV) are an acute instance of this. As research continues on ways to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of AVs, the aspect of parking systems is being brought to light. A crucial element of an effective AV parking scheme is having strong user privacy and cybersecurity capabilities to defend against numerous online attackers and protect users’ sensitive information. In this paper, we present a privacy-preserving blockchain-based registration scheme for AV parking systems capable of achieving the aforementioned imperative. Our proposed scheme focuses on a modified kNN encryption technique to encrypt and match the interested parking spots of AV users with the available parking slots of participating parking lots in the form of vector matrices. Additionally, the blockchain provides secure payment fairness and transparency to ensure transactional satisfaction from both the AV user and the parking lots without the need for a financial third party. Our security and privacy analysis further indicate that our proposed scheme is robust and efficient.

Publication Title

2023 IEEE International Conference on Assured Autonomy (ICAA)
