A Story Under Erasure: Complicating "the Promise" of the Affective Turn Within Science Identity Research Through Feminist Reflexivity
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Center for Science and Math Education
Center for Science and Math Education
Using feminist reflexivity and a plurality of onto-epistemological perspectives, hegemonic traditions shaping educational research, critical questions for thinking about ‘the affective turn’ in science identity research are rendered visible. Critically thinking with and through the complex entanglement of story(ing) the studying emotions in research on science identity, provocations for the field are illuminated: What stories have we been telling about emotions in science? What stories contribute to the erasure of emotion for cultivating a complex understanding of science identity? Inspired by feminist theorists from transdisciplinary contexts, this work grapples with the temporalities of the emerging affective turn in science identity research.
Publication Title
ESERA (European Scicne Education Research Association) 2023
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Günter, K. P.,
Wallace, M. F.
(2023). A Story Under Erasure: Complicating "the Promise" of the Affective Turn Within Science Identity Research Through Feminist Reflexivity. ESERA (European Scicne Education Research Association) 2023, 419-420.
Available at: https://aquila.usm.edu/fac_pubs/21798