Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Industry-funded research can prevent academic freedom from thriving at universities. It can also lead to misleading research that harms consumers. This book chapter focuses on how corporations sometimes use methods that contribute to the corruption of science and includes descriptions of several cases that occurred at universities. Some of the methods that can lead to deception involve agreements university researchers sometimes sign that prevent them from publishing their results without a corporation’s approval. Other methods include requiring researchers to use research designs that will make a corporation’s products seem beneficial to consumers. Corporations can also require researchers to sign agreements that allow the publication of only the findings showing that their products work. Fortunately, university members can take steps to avoid participating in deceptive industry-funded research. These steps include supporting researchers who find problems with the products of a corporation that funds a study. Other steps involve increasing federal support for university research and implementing stronger disclosure requirements and a risk-benefit analysis.
Recommended Citation
Morgan, H.
(2024). Restricting Academic Freedom at Universities: How Corporations Contribute to the Problem. .
Available at:
In F. Mégret & N. Ramanujam (Eds.), Academic Freedom in a Plural World: Global Critical Perspectives (pp. 309-323). Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press.