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Submissions from 2013


Change in Distribution and Composition of Vegetated Habitats on Horn Island, Mississippi, Northern Gulf of Mexico, in the Initial Five Years Following Hurricane Katrina, K. L. Lucas and G. A. Carter


Fostering Eroticism in Science Education to Promote Erotic Generosities for the Ocean-Other, Rachel Luther


Challenges In Imaging the Deep Seabed: Examples From Gulf of Mexico Cold Seeps, Carol B. Lutken, Marco D'Emidio, Leonardo Macelloni, Mariangela Lodi, Michela Ingrassia, Martina Pierdomenico, Vernon Asper, Arne Diercks, Max U. Woolsey, and Roy Janargin


Spatial Distribution of Seafloor Bio-Geological and Geochemical Processes as Proxies of Fluid Flux Regime and Evolution of a Carbonate/Hydrates Mound, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Leonardo Macelloni, Charlotte A. Brunner, Simona Caruso, Carol B. Lutken, Marco D'Emidio, and Laura L. Lapham


Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Revised Protective Behavioral Strategies Scale, Michael B. Madson, Randolph C. Arnau, and Sasha J. Lambert


Measuring Client Perceptions of Motivational Interviewing: Factor Analysis of the Client Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing Scale, Michael B. Madson, Richard S. Mohn, Allan Zuckoff, Julie A. Schumacher, Jane Kogan, Shari Hutchinson, Emily Magee, and Bradley Stein


Alcohol Expectancies, Protective Behavioral Strategies, and Alcohol-Related Outcomes: A Moderated Mediation Study, Michael B. Madson, Kayla D. Moorer, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Melissa A. Bonnell, and Margo Villarosa


Teaching Motivational Interviewing to Undergraduates: Evaluation of Three Approaches, Michael B. Madson, Julie A. Schumacher, Jeremy J. Noble, and Melissa A. Bonnell


Protective Behavioral Strategies, Alcohol Consumption, and Negative Alcohol-Related Consequences: Do Race and Gender Moderate These Associations?, Michael B. Madson and Virgil Zeigler-Hill


Training Opportunities for Corrections Practice: A National Survey of Doctoral Psychology Programs, Philip R. Magaletta, Marc W. Patry, Katherine L. Patterson, Nicole R. Gross, Robert D. Morgan, and John C. Norcross


The View From the Looking Glass: How Are Narcissistic Individuals Perceived by Others?, Mallory L. Malkin, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Christopher T. Barry, and Ashton C. Southard


Detection of Zn(II) Ions by Fluorescent Pyrene-Dervied Molecular Probes, Erendra Manandhar, Peter J. Cragg, and Karl J. Wallace


What's With the Attitude? Changing Attitudes About Criminal Justice Issues, Jon T. Mandracchia, Lucas B. Shaw, and Robert D. Morgan


Is it the Inventory, the Meta-Analysis, or the Construct? Reply to the Comments on Marcus, Fulton, and Edens, David K. Marcus, John F. Edens, and Jessica J. Fulton


The Two-Factor Model of Psychopathic Personality: Evidence From the Psychopathic Personality Inventory, David K. Marcus, Jessica J. Fulton, and John F. Edens


The Future of Botanical Monography: Report from an International Workshop, 12-16 March 2012, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, Karol Marhold, Tod Stuessy, Mariam Agababian, Mac H. Alford, Ana Crespo, Jorge V. Crisci, Laurence J. Dorr, Zuzana Ferencová, David Frodin, Dmitry V. Geltman, Norbert Kilian, H. Peter Linder, G. Lucia Lohmann, Christoph Oberprieler, Lyubomir Penev, Gideon F. Smith, Wayt Thomas, Melissa Tulig, Nicholas Turland, and Xian-Chun Zhang


The Relationship Between Implementation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports and Performance on State Accountability Measures, Adriana M. Marin and Hollie Gabler Filce


P1 Amplitude Across Replicates: Does Measurement Method Make a Difference?, Charles Gordon Marx and Edward L. Goshorn


Population Model for Amyloodinium ocellatum Infecting the Spotted Seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus and the Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus, Ignacio Masson, Jeffrey M. Lotz, and Reginald B. Blaylock


A New Species of Roeboides (Teleostei: Characidae) from Costa Rica and Panama, With a Key to the Middle American Species of the Genus, Wilfredo A. Matamoros, Prosanta Chakrabarty, Arturo Angulo, Carlos A. Garita-Alvarado, and Caleb D. McMahan


Mathematical Modeling of Amyloid Beta Fibril Formation: Equilibria & Stability, Andrew K. Mauro, Preetam Ghosh, Vijayaraghavan Rangachari, and Ashwin Vaidya


Phenazines and Bacterial Biofilms, Dmitri V. Mavrodi and James A. Parejko


Case Study of Three Rural Texas Superintendents as Equity Oriented Change Agents, Gerri Marie Maxwell, Leslie A. Locke, and James Joseph Scheurich


Improvements of Satellite SST Retrievals At Full Swath, Walton McBride, Robert A. Arnone, and Jean François Cayula


Eco-omics: A Review of the Application of Genomics, Transcriptomics, and Proteomics for the Study of the Ecology of Harmful Algae, Timothy I. McLean


Checklist of the Inland Fishes of El Salvador, Caleb D. McMahan, Wilfredo A. Matamoros, Francisco S. Àlvarez Calderón, Wendy Yamileth Henríquez, H. Michelle Recinos, Prosanta Chakrabarty, Enrique Barraza, and Néstor Herrera


Impact Properties of Thiol-Ene Networks, Olivia D. McNair, Andrew P. Janisse, David E. Krzeminski, Davis E. Brent, Trenton E. Gould, James W. Rawlins, and Daniel A. Savin


Highly Tunable Thiol-Ene Networks via Dual Thiol Addition, Olivia D. McNair, Bradley J. Sparks, Andrew P. Janisse, Davis P. Brent, Derek L. Patton, and Daniel A. Savin


Structural Equation Modeling: A Practical Introduction, Shaun McQuitty and Marco Wolf


Metallurgical Ceramics from Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico, Jennifer L. Meanwell, Elizabeth H. Paris, Wilberth Cruz Alvarado, and Carlos Peraza Lope


Hobbes and the Rationality of Self-Preservation: Grounding Morality on the Desires We Should Have, C. D. Meyers


Chrysaora plocamia: A Poorly Understood Jellyfish From South American Waters, Hermes Mianzan, Javier Quiñones, Sergio Palma, Agustin Schiariti, E. Marcelo Acha, Kelly L. Robinson, and William M. Graham


Diet of Juvenile Alabama Shad (Alosa alabamae) in Two Northern Gulf of Mexico Drainages, Paul F. Mickle, Jacob F. Schaefer, Donald A. Yee, and Susan B. Adams


Population Abundance and Habitat Utilization of Bottlenose Dolphins in the Mississippi Sound, Lance J. Miller, Angela D. Mackey, Moby Solangi, and Stan A. Kuczaj


Dolphin Shows and Interaction Programs: Benefits for Conservation Education?, Lance Miller, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Jill Mellen, John C. Koeppel, and Stan A. Kuczaj II


Telling the Story of African-Americans in Hattiesburg, Mississippi: A Case Study of Socially Sustainable Tourism?, Mark M. Miller and David M. Cochran Jr.


Nunavut: A Potential New Model for Economic Development, Mark M. Miller and James E. Rowe


The Impact of Correctional Officer Perceptions of Inmates On Job Stress, Marcos Misis, Bitna Kim, Kelly Cheeseman, Nancy L. Hogan, and Eric G. Lambert


Alcohol Consumption and Negative Sex-Related Consequences Among College Women: The Moderating Role of Alcohol Protective Behavioral Strategies, Kayla D. Moorer, Michael B. Madson, Richard S. Mohn, and B.C. Nicholson


Latino, Immigrant, and Gay: A Qualitative Study About Their Adaptation and Transitions, Alejandro Morales, Edwin E. Corbin-Gutierrez, and Sherry C. Wang


Ogleus pilarae, A New Genus and Species of Leptocheliid Tanaidacean (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidomorpha) from the Tropical Northwest Atlantic with Observations on the Genus Pseudonototanais Lang, 1973, Andrés G. Morales-Nuñez and Richard W. Heard


A New Species of Pseudoleptochelia Lang, 1973 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea: Leptocheliidae) from the Northwest Atlantic With Observations on the Status of the Genus, Andrés G. Morales-Nuñez, Richard W. Heard, and Mónica Alfaro


Malicious Use of Technology: What Schools, Parents, and Teachers Can Do to Prevent Cyberbullying, Hani Morgan


Multimodal Children's E-Books Help Young Learners in Reading, Hani Morgan


Technology in the Classroom: Using Skype for Exciting Projects, Hani Morgan


Estimation of Genetic Parameters For Survival To Multiple Isolates of Taura Syndrome Virus In a Selected Population of Pacific White Shrimp Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei, Dustin R. Moss, Shaun M. Moss, and Jeffrey M. Lotz


Introducing Generation R, Michael P. Mueller and Rachel A. Luther


How Do Shellfisheries Influence Genetic Connectivity in Metapopulations? A Modeling Study Examining the Role of Lower Size Limits in Oyster Fisheries, Daphne M. Munroe, Eileen E. Hofmann, Eric N. Powell, and John M. Klinck


Oyster Mortality in Delaware Bay: Impacts and Recovery from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, D. Munroe, A. Tabatabai, I. Burt, E. N. Powell, and J. Wilkin


“Making Birth Control Respectable”: The Birth Control Review, 1917-1928, Vanessa Murphree and Karla K. Gower


Parental Perceptions of Professional Behaviors in Coaching and Teaching, Melissa A. Murray, Linda J. Schoenstedt, Kimberly J. Bodey, and Kristen Dieffenbach


Ripples In the Reflecting Pool: Narcissistic Subtypes and Reactions to Past Relationship Events, Erin Myers, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, and Christopher T. Barry


Mechanistic Study On the Solution-Phase n-Doping of 1,3-Dimethyl-2-aryl-2, 3-dihydro-1 H-benzoimidazole Derivatives, Benjamin D. Naab, Song Guo, Selina Olthof, Eric G.B. Evans, Peng Wei, Glenn L. Millhauser, Antoine Khan, Stephen Barlow, and Zhenan Bao


Connecting Corruption To Ethnic Polarization and Religious Fractionalization, Edward Nissan and Shahdad Naghshpour


A Simple Test of σ-Convergence In U.S. Housing Prices Across BEA Regions, Edward Nissan and James E. Payne


Protective Behavioral Strategies and Their Relationship With Negative Alcohol Consequences Among College Athletes, Jeremy J. Noble, Michael B. Madson, Richard S. Mohn, and Jon T. Mandracchia


Characterization and Biodegradation of Water-Soluble Biomarkers and Organic Carbon Extracted From Low Temperature Chars, Matt J. Norwood, Patrick Louchouarn, Li-Jung Kuo, and Omar R. Harvey


Making Seafood Sustainable: American Experiences in Global Perspective, Deanne Stephens Nuwer


America's Public Schools: From the Common School to 'No Child Left Behind', Thomas V. O'Brien


Examining the Stress and Coping Process of Mega-Event Employees, Michael A. Odio, Matthew Walker, and May Kim


Factor Structure of the Dissociative Experiences Scale: An Examination Across Sexual Assault Status, Shira A. Olsen, Joshua D. Clapp, Gilbert R. Parra, and J. Gayle Beck


Intense Ectoenzyme Activities Associated with Trichodesmium Colonies in the Sargasso Sea, Karen M. Orcutt, Kjell Gundersen, and James W. Ammerman


Discussion: "Geological Investigation and Optical Dating of Quaternary Siliciclastic Sediments Near Apalachicola, North-west Florida, USA" by Burdette et. al. (2012) Sedimentology 59, 1836-1849, Ervin G. Otvos


Rapid and Widespread Response of the Lower Mississippi River to Eustatic Forcing During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle: Discussion, Ervin G. Otvos


Regressive and Transgressive Barrier Islands on the North-Central Gulf Coast — Contrasts in Evolution, Sediment Delivery, and Island Vulnerability, Ervin G. Otvos and Gregory A. Carter


Lean Enterprise Transformation Is a Business Necessity For Sustainable Growth: An Introduction to the Jet Special Issue, Ertunga C. Ozelkan, Ahad Ali, and M. D. Sarder


Imag[e]ining Hip-Hop Femininity: Contentions, Contradictions, and Contributions, Donyale R. Griffin Padgett, Cheryl D. Jenkins, and Dale Anderson


Scene-Based Cross-Comparison of SNPP-VIIRS and Aqua-MODIS Over Oceanic Waters, Nima Pahlevan, Zhongping Lee, Adam Lawson, and Robert A. Arnone


Conformational Response to Solvent Interaction and Temperature of a Protein (Histone h3.1) by a Multi-Grained Monte Carlo Simulation, Ras B. Pandey and Barry L. Farmer


Distinction in Binding of Peptides (P2E) and Its Mutations (P2G, P2Q) to a Graphene Sheet via a Hierarchical Coarse-Grained Monte Carlo Simulation, Ras B. Pandey and Barry L. Farmer


A Hierarchical Coarse-Grained (All-Atom-to-All-Residue) Computer Simulation Approach: Self-Assembly of Peptides, Ras B. Pandey, Zhifeng Kuang, and Barry L. Farmer


Sensitive Determination of Triacetone Triperoxide Explosives Using Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence, Suman Parajuli and Wujian Miao


Kinetics and Control of Self-Assembly of ABH1 Hydrophobin from the Edible White Button Mushroom, Lea C. Paslay, Leo Falgout, Daniel A. Savin, Sabine Heinhorst, Gordon C. Cannon, and Sarah E. Morgan


Perfluorinated Polymer Electrolytes Hybridized with In Situ Grown Titania Quasi-Networks, Yatin Patil, Satheesh Sambandam, Vijay Ramani, and Kenneth A. Mauritz


Differential Migratory Timing of Western Populations of Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla) Revealed by Mitochondrial DNA and Stable Isotopes, Kristina L. Paxton, Monica Yau, Frank R. Moore, and Darren E. Irwin


Phage-Bacterium War on Polymeric Surfaces: Can Surface-Anchored Bacteriophages Eliminate Microbial Infections?, Heather A. Pearson, Gyan S. Sahukhal, Mohamed O. Elasri, and Marek W. Urban


Discomfort Intolerance and the Acquired Capability for Suicide, Stephanie M. Pennings and Michael D. Anestis


Ethnicity, Ethnic Identity, and Adolescent Narcissism, Jessica D. Pickard, Christopher T. Barry, Marion T. Wallace, and Virgil Zeigler-Hill


Development of a Rapid Assay to Detect the Dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP), Sara M. Picón-Camacho, William P. Thompson, Reginald B. Blaylock, and Jeffrey M. Lotz


Hudson Canyon Benthic Habitats Characterization and Mapping By Integrated Analysis Analysis of Multidisciplinary Data, Martina Pierdomenico, Vincent G. Guida, Peter A. Rona, Leonardo Macelloni, Mary I. Scranton, Vernon Asper, and Arne R. Diercks


Jellyfish Body Plans Provide Allometric Advantages beyond Low Carbon Content, Kylie A. Pitt, Carlos M. Duarte, Cathy H. Lucas, Kelly R. Sutherland, Robert H. Condon, Hermes Mianzan, Jennifer E. Purcell, Kelly L. Robinson, and Shin-Ichi Uye


Transgenerational Cross-Tolerance To Stress: Parental Exposure To Predators Increases Offspring Contaminant Tolerance, Stephanie C. Plautz, Taylor Guest, Megan A. Funkhouser, and Christopher J. Salice


Is Overwinter Mortality Commonplace in Delaware Bay Oyster Populations? The Ambiguity of Dredge Efficiency, Eric N. Powell and Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox


Vegetable Oil Based Fatty Amide as Hydrophobes in Associative Thickener, Monoj Pramanik, Sharathkumar K. Mendon, and James W. Rawlins


Individual and Organizational Human Rights Activism in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Kenya, Robert M. Press


A New Species of Intromugil (Digenea: Haploporidae) and Redescription of Intromugil Mugilicolus, Eric E. Pulis, Thomas J. Fayton, Stephen S. Curran, and Robin M. Overstreet


Review of Haploporid (Trematoda) Genera with Ornate Muscularisation in the Region of the Oral Sucker, Including Four New Species and a New Genus, Eric E. Pulis and Robin M. Overstreet


Supply Chain Analysis, Mohammad Anwar Rahman


A Comparison of the Self Assembled Frameworks of Three Cobalt(II) Coordination Compounds Bearing Dipicolinic Acid and Chelidamic Acid Ligands, Varma H. Rambaran, Travis R. Erves, Kristy Grover, Shawna Balof, LaMaryet Moody, Stuart E. Ramsdale, Luke A. Seymour, Don VanDerveer, Donald M. Cropek, and Alvin A. Holder


Self-Replicating Amyloid-Beta Oligomers Open Doors to New Molecular Mechanisms in Alzheimer Disease, Vijayaraghavan Rangachari, Amit Kumar, Lea Paslay, Daniel Lyons, Sarah E. Morgan, and John Correia


A Review of Devastating Losses: How Parents Cope with the Death of a Child to Suicide or Drugs, Lillian M. Range


Comparison of the Observed Mixed Layer Depth in the Lee of the Hawaiian Island to the Modeled Mixed Layer Depth of the Regional Navy Coastal Ocean Model, Jeffery Todd Rayburn and Vladimir E. Kamenkovich


Self-Assembly and Responsiveness of Polypeptide-Based Block Copolymers: How "Smart" Behavior and Topological Complexity Yield Unique Assembly in Aqueous Media, Jacob G. Ray, Ashley J. Johnson, and Daniel A. Savin


The Relation Between Self-Reported Psychopathic Traits and Distorted Response Styles: A Meta-Analytic Review, James V. Ray, Jason Hall, Nicole Rivera-Hudson, Norman G. Poythress, Scott O. Lilienfeld, and Mario Morano


An Ice-Core Pollen Record Showing Vegetation Response to Late-Glacial and Holocene Climate Changes at Nevado Sajama, Bolivia, C. A. Reese, K. B. Liu, and L. G. Thompson


The View From Huayna Picchu, Carl A. Reese


Gender and Multigenerational Global Human Development, Julie A. Reid and Tahseen Shams


Long-Term Change in the Abundances of Northern Gulf of Mexico Scyphomedusae Chrysaora sp. and Aurelia spp. With Links to Climate Variability, Kelly L. Robinson and William M. Graham


The GRS/GRC from the Perspective of a Graduate Student and First Time Attendee, Corey D. Russo


Bridging Marine Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry Research: Lessons and Recommendations from Comparative Studies, B. Salihoglu, S. Neuer, S. Painting, R. Murtugudde, E.E. Hoffman, J.H. Steele, R.R. Hood, L. Legendre, M.W. Lomas, Jerry D. Wiggert, S. Ito, Z. Lachkar, G.L. Hunt Jr., K.F. Drinkwater, and C.L. Sabine