Number 2
Experimental Infection Studies with Bothridio-Plerocercoids of Rhinebothrium sp. (Cestoda; Tetraphyllides) and Two Intermediate Molluscan Hosts
Edwin W. Cake Jr.
The Pelagic - Sargassum Ichthyofauna of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Stephen A. Bortone, Philip A. Hastings, and Sneed B. Collard
The Impact of the 1973 Flooding of the Mobile River System on the Hydrography of Mobile Bay and East Mississippi Sound
William W. Schroeder
Apparent Effects of Flooding on Distribution and Landings of Industrial Bottomfish in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Michael Russell
The Distribution and Abundance of Fishes Caught with a Trawl in the St. Andrew Bay System, Florida
Larry H. Ogren and Harold A. Brusher
Composition of the Ichthyofauna Inhabiting the 110-Meter Contour of the Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River to the Rio Grande
Mark E. Chittenden Jr. and Donald Moore