Number 2
Hypothermal Mortality in Marine Fishes of South-Central Florida, January, 1977
R. Grant Gilmore, Lewis H. Bullock, and Frederick H. Berry
Physical and Biological Observations of the Northern Rim of the de Soto Canyon made from a Research Submersible
Robert L. Shipp and Thomas S. Hopkins
Cymothoid Isopods of Some Marine Fishes from the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Ernest H. Williams Jr. and Lucy B. Williams
Feeding Habits and Food of the Longspined Porgy, Stenotomus caprinus Bean
Terry Henwood, Paul Johnson, and Richard W. Heard
Occurrence of Vaucheria adela, V. lii and V. nasuta (Xanthophyceae) in Brackish Marshes of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Richard A. Pecora
First North American Continental Record of Gobionellus pseudofasciatus (Pisces: Gobiidae)
Philip A. Hastings
First Records of Blue Fish Larvae, Pomatomus saltatrix, in the Gulf of Mexico
Lyman E. Barger, L. Alan Collins, and John H. Finucane
Spawning of the Striped Mullet, Mugil cephalus, in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
John H. Finucane, L. Alan Collins, and Lyman E. Barger