Number 1/2 (Combined Issue)
Metabolism, Consumption Rates, and Scope for Growth of Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes galathinus)
Kimberly A. McGlaun and Kim Withers
Sequencing of the rbcL Marker Reveals the Nonnative Red Alga Grateloupia taiwanensis (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) in Alabama
Michael S. DePriest and Juan M. López-Bautista
Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Occur in Common Spartina Species
Angela K. Burcham, Joy H. Merino, Thomas C. Michot, and John A. Nyman
A Multi-Year Survey of Meiofaunal Abundance From the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf and Slope
Stephen C. Landers, Frank A. Romano III, Paul M. Stewart, and Steve Ramroop
Establishment of the Invasive Island Apple Snail Pomacea insularum (Gastropoda: Ampullaridae) and Eradication Efforts in Mobile, Alabama, USA
Charles W. Martin, Keith M. Bahya, and John F. Valentine
Assessing Adequate Sampling Levels with Time-Series Resampling of Fishery-Independent Bottom Longline Surveys of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Mark A. Grace, Walter Ingram, William B. Driggers III, and Terry Henwood
Identification and Distribution Analysis of Leucothoid Amphipods (Gammaridea) from the Hourglass Cruises
Joseph DeCamp Hall
Intestinal Eversion in the Atlantic Sharpnose Shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, a Behavior Ubiquitous Among Elasmobranch Fishes?
Barrett L. Christie
Length-Length Conversions and Weight-Length Relationships for Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) in the Gulf of Mexico
Amy M. Schueller, Douglas S. Vaughan, and Joseph W. Smith
Comparison of Cultured and Wild Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) Health Condition Metrics Used in Toxicity Effects Assessment
Hannah Rutter, Michael Norberg, and Sandy Raimondo
In Memoriam: Remembering Asa Green
George F. Crozier