Number 1
Quantification of Reef Fish Assemblages: A Comparison of Several In Situ Methods
Stephen A. Bortone, Robert W. Hastings, and Jerry L. Oglesby
Distribution and Relative Abundance of Butterflyfishes and Angelfishes Across a Lagoon and Barrier Reef, Andros Island, Bahamas
David G. Lindquist and Matthew R. Gilligan
Observing Reef Fishes from Submersibles Off North Carolina
R.O. Parker Jr. and Steve W. Ross
Fish Assemblages and Benthic Biota Associated with Natural Hard-Bottom Areas in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Russell E. Putt, David A. Gettleson, and Neal W. Phillips
Visual Censuses of Fish Populations at the Florida Middle Ground
Douglas G. Clarke
Point Count Censusing from a Submersible to Estimate Reef Fish Abundance Over Large Areas
Robert L. Shipp, William A. Tyler III, and Robert S. Jones
Submersible Avoidance by Yellowfin Bass, Anthias nicholsi
E.J. Gutherz and R.S. Jones