"Factors Affecting Guest Satisfaction in the Restaurant Industry of Sou" by Kinsey M. Eiland

Date of Award

Fall 12-2015

Degree Type

Honors College Thesis


Economic and Workforce Development

First Advisor

Russ Willis

Advisor Department

Management and International Business


The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect guest services in the restaurant industry of South Mississippi as examined from the line level employee. This satisfaction can include things in the servicescape (e.g. noise level, parking availability) as well as the service support that a waiter receives from their coworkers and supervisors. By combining a research model that examines the guest server exchange with a typical guest satisfaction questionnaire, the researcher developed a two part internet survey to be administered to both restaurant patrons as well as line level employees working in the restaurant industry. The results of the two surveys were analyzed and it was determined that line level employees must be customer oriented and trained properly in order to deliver the best service possible to their guests.
