Date of Award

Spring 5-2017

Degree Type

Honors College Thesis


Marketing and Fashion Merchandising

First Advisor

Melinda McLelland

Advisor Department

Marketing and Fashion Merchandising


The purpose of this study is to gauge the influence of green marketing efforts directed at the consumer. Green marketing is a marketing strategy used by businesses that emphasizes the environmental improvements a company has implemented. Green marketing is not a new concept but it is one that is still relevant to consumers and companies alike as concern for the environment continues to grow. This particular study looks at a relatively new frontier for green marketing in how it appears on social media by testing brand perception and purchase intent of an environmentally conscientious social media post by a consumer brand. This study also aims to determine consumer awareness of greenwashing when it appears in an advertisement. Greenwashing is the misrepresentation or embellishment of a business’ environmental efforts. Data for this research was gathered via a Qualtrics survey. An experimental design (with ANOVA and an independent samples t-test) was used to test the proposed hypotheses regarding green marketing on social media and greenwashing of advertisements.

Included in

Marketing Commons
