"Perceptions of Iontophoresis amongst Mississippi Athletic Trainers" by Jessica E. Ringo

Date of Award

Spring 5-2017

Degree Type

Honors College Thesis


Human Performance and Recreation

First Advisor

Evelyn Gordon

Advisor Department

Human Performance and Recreation


Research in the field of modalities is growing quickly, however there is a substantial lack of evidence for the use of iontophoresis, especially in the field of Athletic Training. Due to this, the perceptions of iontophoresis have been impacted amongst clinically practicing athletic trainers. Per this survey, while Mississippi licensed athletic trainers are aware of, and have a general knowledge of how to use iontophoresis, there is a lack of uniformity amongst the parameters and pathologies, consistent with those found in the literature. Of the 37.5 athletic trainers who utilize iontophoresis in their clinical setting, none of them reported using the same parameters. While there was evidence in the free-write questions that the main pathologies treated were musculoskeletal in nature, this by no means narrows down the various ones that these participants treated with iontophoresis. A surprising 88 percent of participants stated that would like to use iontophoresis in their settings, and several participants stated in the final free-write question that they felt more research was necessary to further their knowledge on this modality. Iontophoresis is on the forefront of therapeutic modalities in the field of athletic training, and more research should be completed in order that athletic trainers across the globe may benefit from its many benefits.
