"The Offering" by William Campbell

Date of Award


Degree Type

Honors College Thesis

Academic Program

English BA



First Advisor

Joyce Inman, Ph.D.

Advisor Department



The Offering is an original story that functions as a frame for five shorter stories. Four of the five short stories are self-contained narratives that can be read in isolation. However, each of the short stories along with the frame story are united by a common thread. The stories all depict a conflict revolving around how a person or group perceives an “other.” The short stories are told by one character in the frame story to another for the purpose of teaching lessons about the harmful effects of prejudice and to exhort him to engage in meaningful relationships with the marginalized other. The telling of the stories contributes to the plot of the frame story by influencing the character’s decisions. In this way the short stories function as moralistic tales that demonstrate the effectiveness of telling stories to promote change.

Available for download on Saturday, May 15, 2027

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