"Analysis of the Upper Cotton Valley Group in the Northeastern Mississi" by Theresa A. Woehnker

Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

Degree Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Geography and Geology

Committee Chair

T. Markham Puckett

Committee Chair Department

Geography and Geology

Committee Member 2

Franklin T. Heitmuller

Committee Member 2 Department

Geography and Geology

Committee Member 3

Tony Stuart

Committee Member 3 Department

Geography and Geology


The Mississippi Interior Salt Basin (MISB) is a major negative structural feature in the interior onshore northeastern Gulf of Mexico. The Cotton Valley Group is an Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous subsurface siliciclastic unit that has been studied extensively in the MISB for the last several decades because of its high potential as a reservoir rock. This study focuses on the Shuler Formation in the Upper Cotton Valley, which consists of an upper Dorcheat Member, and a lower Shongaloo Member. The boundary between these units correspond to a transgressive-regressive sequence boundary, which marks the beginning of a rise in sea level during the Tithonian. By identifying significant electric-log signatures within the Upper Cotton Valley, these stratigraphic markers can be classified and correlated across the study area. Stratigraphic cross sections and isopach maps have been prepared to display changes in thickness of the Upper Cotton Valley Group. This provides an understanding and comparison of sediment deposition in the northeastern MISB during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous time. The primary depositional systems recognized in the study area include fluvial-deltaic systems, interdeltaic systems, and transgressive barrier bar systems. Locations of potential stratigraphic traps can be identified by changes in net sand within the Dorcheat and Shongaloo members and showing sand pinchouts in local cross sections. This study suggests that most of the potential oil and gas exploration targets in the northeastern MISB are located in the transgressive barrier sands and distributary mouth bar sand complexes.

Included in

Geology Commons
