"The Effect of Social Networking on Grief" by Heather Margaret Gianatassio

Date of Award

Summer 8-2013

Degree Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Child and Family Studies

Committee Chair

Claire Kimberly

Committee Chair Department

Child and Family Studies

Committee Member 2

Pat Sims

Committee Member 2 Department

Child and Family Studies

Committee Member 3

Angel Herring

Committee Member 3 Department

Child and Family Studies


Death and loss are complicated issues. They are further complicated by the Internet and the increased usage of social media; however, there is little research on the effects of social media on grief. This project's goal was to gather information about grieving via online social networking sites. Data was collected from 20 in memoriam profile webpages on Facebook and MySpace. The deceased were between the ages of six months and 32 years. Results indicate that society is using social media as a form of support and comfort in times of loss.
