Date of Award

Summer 8-2013

Degree Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chair

Christopher Barry

Committee Chair Department


Committee Member 2

Bradley Green

Committee Member 2 Department


Committee Member 3

Randolph Arnau

Committee Member 3 Department



The association between narcissism and aggression has been empirically supported in adults and adolescents, but it is unclear whether narcissism might also be related to prosocial behavior. The current study aimed to investigate different facets of narcissism in adolescents and their association with self-, parent-, and peer-reported prosocial behavior. In a sample of 175 at-risk adolescents ages 16-18 (151 males, 24 females), it was expected that reports of the individual's engagement in prosocial behavior would vary as a function of the informant and the specific facet of narcissism (i.e., adaptive or pathological). However, no main effects or interactions emerged with the exception of main effects for pathological narcissism and for self-esteem in predicting self-reported prosocial behavior. That is, pathological narcissism and higher self-esteem each corresponded to higher self-reported prosocial behavior. The implications of the results are discussed.
