
About This Journal

About Mississippi Libraries

Mississippi Libraries (ISSN 0194-388X) is a quarterly, open-access publication of the Mississippi Library Association and is indexed in Library Literature and Information Science (H.W. Wilson) and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (EBSCO). The articles, reports, and features represent the viewpoints of their respective authors and are not necessarily the official opinions of the Association.

Mississippi Libraries publishes research articles, general interest articles, book reviews, columns, and news of interest to librarians and information professionals in Mississippi and the greater Southeast region.

Peer Review

All submissions to Mississippi Libraries undergo an editorial process to ensure a quality publication.

Research articles must undergo a double-blind peer review process in order to receive the designation of a scholarly article and be identified as such in the publication. This process typically takes approximately 8-12 weeks, however, the process can take more or less time. Upon receipt, a submission will be acknowledged by the editor. The editor assigns a submission to a minimum of two reviewers who receive the submission with no direct information about the author or the author's affiliation. Following the review, a decision will be communicated to the author including an expected publication date. Publication can be expected within twelve months. For more information, please see the Submission Guidelines.

Information for Reviewers

Serving as a reviewer for Mississippi Libraries is a great opportunity to provide service to your state publication and your Mississippi Library Association (MLA) and comes with a minimal time commitment.

    Reviewers must provide the following information to serve:
  • Proof of at least 2 years of professional library experience, current or past.
  • Citations of two peer-reviewed articles you authored or co-authored.
  • A paragraph or short list describing your areas of expertise.

Reviewers who are members of MLA and/or Mississippi librarians are preferred but not required. Whenever possible, articles will be matched with areas of reviewer expertise, however, please note that reviewers may be asked to review articles outside their preferred areas when needed. Reviewers will not be sent articles written at their institution.Mississippi Libraries seeks reviewers from all types of libraries and areas of expertise. Those interested in serving as a reviewer should contact Hali Black, Editor, at Hali.Black@usm.edu .