Spring 2013 | 2013

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Friday, January 18th
2:00 PM

The Challenge of Anarchism

Michael Sevel, University of Sydney Law School

LAB 101

2:00 PM

Friday, January 25th
2:00 PM

From the Land Ethic to the Earth Ethic

J. Baird Callicott, University of North Texas

LAB 101

2:00 PM

Wednesday, February 20th
3:30 PM

The Immorality of Premarital Abstinence

Alistair Norcross, University of Colorado at Boulder

LAB 102

3:30 PM

Friday, March 22nd
2:00 PM

In Defense of Professional Ethics

Ralph Didlake, Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, University of Mississippi

LAB 101

2:00 PM