Volume 4, Issue 1 (2015)
SLIS Update
Elizabeth Haynes Ph.D.
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the SLIS Graduate Program
Matthew Griffis Ph.D.
Spotlights: Faculty, Alum, and Course
Stacy Creel Ph.D.
From the GAs, Congratulations, Publications, and Presentations
Teresa Welsh Ph.D.
Student Associations and Upcoming Events
Teresa Welsh Ph.D.
Does Family Matter: The Parental Roles of Young Adult Media
Antoinette Giamalva MLIS
United Kingdom Libraries during World War II
Matthew Leavitt MLIS
Academic and Public Libraries’ Use of Web 2.0 Applications and Services in Mississippi
Kalah Rogers MLIS
Complete Issue
SLIS Connecting, Volume 4, Issue 1
Stacy Creel and Teresa Welsh