The Aquila Digital Community - Southern Miss Institutional Repository Conference: Increasing IR Deposits by Tagteaming: The Open Access Button Librarian Notification System

Presenter Information

Chealsye Bowley, Open Access Button


Thad Cochran Center 218

Presentation Type

Lightning Talk

Start Date

26-4-2018 6:00 PM


Managing a repository can be a daunting task. Outreach can be difficult. Cold emailing faculty members often results in no answer or a no. But what if librarians could get leads on researchers at their institution who having been receiving article and data requests? That’s exactly what the Open Access Button’s Librarian Notification System aims to do. A cold call would instead be turned into, “Hi, Professor Smith, I heard that your article was requested by an Open Access Button user. I’d love to help you share that per your publishing agreement!” This can help a librarian turn a problem a professor is encountering into a solution, and potentially add additional scholarship to the repository — and help fulfill more Open Access Button requests to strengthen the public’s access to open access materials. The Open Access Button is piloting the Librarian Notification System in spring 2018 and this lightning will discuss the results, and future plans to improve the system.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Chealsye Bowley is the Community Manager for Ubiquity Press, and Communications Director for the Open Access Button. She is a former Scholarly Communication Librarian that specialized in enthusiastically encouraging her university community to share their research openly.


Apr 26th, 6:00 PM

Increasing IR Deposits by Tagteaming: The Open Access Button Librarian Notification System

Thad Cochran Center 218

Managing a repository can be a daunting task. Outreach can be difficult. Cold emailing faculty members often results in no answer or a no. But what if librarians could get leads on researchers at their institution who having been receiving article and data requests? That’s exactly what the Open Access Button’s Librarian Notification System aims to do. A cold call would instead be turned into, “Hi, Professor Smith, I heard that your article was requested by an Open Access Button user. I’d love to help you share that per your publishing agreement!” This can help a librarian turn a problem a professor is encountering into a solution, and potentially add additional scholarship to the repository — and help fulfill more Open Access Button requests to strengthen the public’s access to open access materials. The Open Access Button is piloting the Librarian Notification System in spring 2018 and this lightning will discuss the results, and future plans to improve the system.