Presenter Information

Kayla Reed, LSU Law Library


Thad Cochran Center 216

Presentation Type

Short Concurrent Session

Start Date

26-4-2019 2:30 PM


This session will seek to show the impact that metadata has on IR download statistics and page hits. I will use graphs to show the increase in download counts after the addition of keywords to journal articles and faculty scholarship, as well as detail an ongoing project to add metadata to article files themselves in order to promote findability.


Apr 26th, 2:30 PM

Metadata and Metrics

Thad Cochran Center 216

This session will seek to show the impact that metadata has on IR download statistics and page hits. I will use graphs to show the increase in download counts after the addition of keywords to journal articles and faculty scholarship, as well as detail an ongoing project to add metadata to article files themselves in order to promote findability.