Presenter Information

Sarah Wipperman, OA.Works


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Room A

Presentation Type

Keynote Address

Start Date

29-4-2022 11:00 AM


Over the past decade, the rapidly evolving scholarly and digital landscape has necessitated that institutional repositories (IRs) be agile in order to meet the ever expanding needs of researchers. This has challenged IR infrastructure and pushed libraries to become not just collectors of open access content but publishers themselves.

In this talk, Wipperman will discuss some of the ways in which repositories have changed over the past decade and how stakeholder needs have evolved alongside IR capabilities. She will look at current efforts to revolutionize IR infrastructure and propose ways that we might radically reimagine IRs as a community.


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The presentation slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Reimagining the IR.pdf (3355 kB)
Presentation Slides


Apr 29th, 11:00 AM

Reimagining the IR

Room A

Over the past decade, the rapidly evolving scholarly and digital landscape has necessitated that institutional repositories (IRs) be agile in order to meet the ever expanding needs of researchers. This has challenged IR infrastructure and pushed libraries to become not just collectors of open access content but publishers themselves.

In this talk, Wipperman will discuss some of the ways in which repositories have changed over the past decade and how stakeholder needs have evolved alongside IR capabilities. She will look at current efforts to revolutionize IR infrastructure and propose ways that we might radically reimagine IRs as a community.