Sustainability, Experiential Learning, Scholarship, and Cross-Campus Collaboration: UGA's Campus Sustainability Archive Brings It All Together


Cook 206Z / Zoom Room B

Presentation Type

Full Concurrent Session

Start Date

26-4-2024 10:00 AM


The UGA Campus Sustainability Archive ( is a collection within the University of Georgia's ScholarWorksUGA Institutional Repository. It serves as a notable example of highly interdisciplinary and innovative scholarship, bringing together students, research experts, faculty members, and librarians. It demonstrates the advantages in partnerships with the Libraries, such as enhancing the project's visibility as an open-access resource and ensuring its sustainability as a digital project through robust documentation and management.

This collection supports the UGA Office of Sustainability's Living Lab program, a collaborative, interdepartmental effort to create sustainable solutions to campus challenges through collaboration between operational staff, faculty, and students.

Nationally, higher education institutions have increasingly embraced efforts to combine academic rigor with applied learning to address sustainability related challenges and opportunities, as such skills are increasingly in demand in the workforce and society. From its initiation, UGA's Living Lab Program recognized the importance of collecting, preserving and sharing hyperlocal data and lessons learned from an array of sustainability related internships, capstones, and other experiential learning student led projects. Inspired by the University of Utah's talk to other Campus Living Lab leaders about the importance of archiving an institution's record of transformative change, UGA's Sustainability Office and the University of Georgia Library began a collaboration to build a collection within the Institutional Repository focused on Campus Sustainability.

Our presentation will give an overview of the UGA Campus Sustainability Archive including its uses, evolution, and possible directions for future growth. We will present examples of the kinds of innovative scholarship and dynamic cross-departmental collaborations it supports and show how this work not only supports our current campus sustainability goals but also helps train a new generation of leaders for this vital work. We will also discuss the Esploro platform that hosts ScholarWorksUGA and give examples of the diverse types of scholarship and data that comprise the project.

SMIRC 2024 - Willoughby.pdf (13277 kB)
Presentation Slides

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Apr 26th, 10:00 AM

Sustainability, Experiential Learning, Scholarship, and Cross-Campus Collaboration: UGA's Campus Sustainability Archive Brings It All Together

Cook 206Z / Zoom Room B

The UGA Campus Sustainability Archive ( is a collection within the University of Georgia's ScholarWorksUGA Institutional Repository. It serves as a notable example of highly interdisciplinary and innovative scholarship, bringing together students, research experts, faculty members, and librarians. It demonstrates the advantages in partnerships with the Libraries, such as enhancing the project's visibility as an open-access resource and ensuring its sustainability as a digital project through robust documentation and management.

This collection supports the UGA Office of Sustainability's Living Lab program, a collaborative, interdepartmental effort to create sustainable solutions to campus challenges through collaboration between operational staff, faculty, and students.

Nationally, higher education institutions have increasingly embraced efforts to combine academic rigor with applied learning to address sustainability related challenges and opportunities, as such skills are increasingly in demand in the workforce and society. From its initiation, UGA's Living Lab Program recognized the importance of collecting, preserving and sharing hyperlocal data and lessons learned from an array of sustainability related internships, capstones, and other experiential learning student led projects. Inspired by the University of Utah's talk to other Campus Living Lab leaders about the importance of archiving an institution's record of transformative change, UGA's Sustainability Office and the University of Georgia Library began a collaboration to build a collection within the Institutional Repository focused on Campus Sustainability.

Our presentation will give an overview of the UGA Campus Sustainability Archive including its uses, evolution, and possible directions for future growth. We will present examples of the kinds of innovative scholarship and dynamic cross-departmental collaborations it supports and show how this work not only supports our current campus sustainability goals but also helps train a new generation of leaders for this vital work. We will also discuss the Esploro platform that hosts ScholarWorksUGA and give examples of the diverse types of scholarship and data that comprise the project.