Going Off Script...Again: Implementing Code and AI to Simplify Content Management


Cook 206Z / Zoom Room B

Presentation Type

Full Concurrent Session

Start Date

26-4-2024 1:00 PM


In a follow up to last year's SMIRC presentation, "Going off Script," "Going off Script...Again" will demonstrate how the University of Mississippi's Digital Initiatives Librarian preserved the university's news releases from 1998-2008 using a mix of free software, simple code, and OpenAI's ChatGPT. Building off of the resources demonstrated at SMIRC 2023, this presentation will cover how the Digital Initiatives Librarian transformed 5,000 lines of plain text into individual, formatted PDFs, and how librarians can use generative AI to help troubleshoot frustrating-to-solve issues when using code. This presentation aims to inspire other repository librarians to pioneer new, innovative methods of leveraging technology and artificial intelligence to preserve institutional history.

SMIRC 2024 - Norris-Davidson.pdf (16450 kB)
Presentation Slides

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 26th, 1:00 PM

Going Off Script...Again: Implementing Code and AI to Simplify Content Management

Cook 206Z / Zoom Room B

In a follow up to last year's SMIRC presentation, "Going off Script," "Going off Script...Again" will demonstrate how the University of Mississippi's Digital Initiatives Librarian preserved the university's news releases from 1998-2008 using a mix of free software, simple code, and OpenAI's ChatGPT. Building off of the resources demonstrated at SMIRC 2023, this presentation will cover how the Digital Initiatives Librarian transformed 5,000 lines of plain text into individual, formatted PDFs, and how librarians can use generative AI to help troubleshoot frustrating-to-solve issues when using code. This presentation aims to inspire other repository librarians to pioneer new, innovative methods of leveraging technology and artificial intelligence to preserve institutional history.