Institutional Repository Migration: Experiences in Assessment, Planning, and Preparation


Cook 209A / Zoom Room A

Presentation Type

Short Concurrent Session

Start Date

26-4-2024 2:30 PM


The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Library has operated an institutional repository, called OpenSky, since 2009. OpenSky provides access to open access versions of published scholarship, digital archival materials, audio/visual materials, and unique technical reports. Since 2015, the underlying technology for OpenSky has been the Islandora open source repository software. Due to end-of-life of some of the technical components that underlie the version of Islandora used by OpenSky, the system is in need of migration to a new repository platform. This talk will present the NCAR Library staff’s efforts over a multi-year period to set this repository platform migration in motion. The work involved to date includes identifying key functionality requirements for OpenSky, assessing possible repository platforms, meeting with repository vendors, performing user tests, completing metadata upgrades, evaluating prototype repository systems, and developing migration plans. We will discuss lessons learned in this process, including what has gone well and what difficulties we have encountered.

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Presentation Slides

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Apr 26th, 2:30 PM

Institutional Repository Migration: Experiences in Assessment, Planning, and Preparation

Cook 209A / Zoom Room A

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Library has operated an institutional repository, called OpenSky, since 2009. OpenSky provides access to open access versions of published scholarship, digital archival materials, audio/visual materials, and unique technical reports. Since 2015, the underlying technology for OpenSky has been the Islandora open source repository software. Due to end-of-life of some of the technical components that underlie the version of Islandora used by OpenSky, the system is in need of migration to a new repository platform. This talk will present the NCAR Library staff’s efforts over a multi-year period to set this repository platform migration in motion. The work involved to date includes identifying key functionality requirements for OpenSky, assessing possible repository platforms, meeting with repository vendors, performing user tests, completing metadata upgrades, evaluating prototype repository systems, and developing migration plans. We will discuss lessons learned in this process, including what has gone well and what difficulties we have encountered.