Speech & Hearing Sciences Faculty Publications | School of Speech and Hearing Sciences | The University of Southern Mississippi


Submissions from 2020


Speech-Language Pathologist and Parent Perspectives on Speech-Language Pathology Services for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders, Brenda L. Beverly and L. Amanda Mathews

Submissions from 2019


Anatomy of the Intertragic Notch of the Auricle May Protect the Ear Canal From Fluids As a Built-In Overflow Spout at an Appropriate Position, Amitava Biswas


Computer Simulation of Energy Efficient Speech Production During Locomotion, Amitava Biswas


Acoustic Correlates of Hypokinetic Articulation of Continuously Spoken Sentences, Amitava Biswas, Mary Schaub, and Steven Cloud

Submissions from 2018


Exploring Some Questions On Occlusion or the Bing Effect During Speech Production With a Microphone Coupled to the Speaker's External Ear Canal, Amitava Biswas


Alternative Methods For Faster and More Accurate Estimation of Hearing Threshold, Amitava Biswas and Jennifer Goshorn


Simulation of Computerized Screening For Phonological Errors In Spoken Utterances, Amitava Biswas, Anita Thames, and Steven Cloud


Awareness and Knowledge of Cochlear Implants among Speech-Language Pathologists, Kimberly Ward, Kimberly Grubbs, and Amitava Biswas

Submissions from 2017


An Investigation of Passive Type Hearing Protection In Human and Animals By Their Auricles By Diverting Natural Drainage of Rain Water Along Facial Features Into the Ear Canal, Amitava Biswas


A Non-Traditional Interpretation of Cochlear Mechanics of the Auditory System, Amitava Biswas


Arrow of Time or Providence Divine? An Amusing But Thought Provoking Poem on Relative Positioning of Primary Motor and Sensory Cortices of Human Brain, Amitava Biswas


Assessment of Granular Distortion In Digital Sound Recorders By Statistical Analyses of Recorded Sound and Analytically Distinguishing Quality of 24-Bit and 16-Bit Analog to Digital Converts, Amitava Biswas


Development of a Simple Replica of the Middle Ear Pathology For Demonstration of Tympanometric Measurements, Amitava Biswas


Exploring Some Questions On Occlusion Effect In the Human Auditory System When a Musician or Singer's External Ear Canal is Blocked, Amitava Biswas


Monte-Carlo Analysis of Two Logical Premises to Avoid Probit Algorithms for Determination of Sensory Thresholds by Psychophysics, Amitava Biswas

Submissions from 2013


P1 Amplitude Across Replicates: Does Measurement Method Make a Difference?, Charles Gordon Marx and Edward L. Goshorn

Submissions from 2012


College Collaboration with Gifted Programs: Deaf Studies Unit (Part 2), Gerald J. Buisson and Jennifer Salgo Corie

Submissions from 2010


Professional Preparation: Developing Language in Children with Hearing Loss, John Muma and Christina B. Perigoe


A Survey of LSLS Cert.AVTs Who Mentor: Fostering Independence to Endow the Future, Christina B. Perigoe


Professional Preparation for Listening and Spoken Language Practitioners Preface, Christina B. Perigoe


Speech-Language Pathologists: Vital Listening and Spoken Language Professionals, Christina B. Perigoe


The University of Southern Mississippi: Developing a State-of-the-Art Graduate Program in Early Oral Intervention, Christina B. Perigoe and Henry Teller

Submissions from 2009


Effects of a Cell Phone Conversation on Cognitive Processing Performances, Brett E. Kemker, Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Leonard L. LaPointe, and Gary R. Heald

Submissions from 2007


Using Online Glossing Lessons For Accelerated Instruction In ASL For Preservice Deaf Education Majors, Gerald J. Buisson

Submissions from 2005


Views From the Field: Program Directors' Perceptions of Teacher Education and the Education of Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Henry Teller and Jillian Harney

Submissions from 2001


Developments in Cognitive Socialization: Implications for Deaf Education, John R. Muma and H. Teller

Submissions from 1997


Teachers' Perception of Auditory Problems and the Scan, Margaret F. Carlin and Richard D. Saniga

Submissions from 1994


Speech-Language Patterns in a Child with Moya-Moya Disease, Rebecca Magee, Mary Marshall, Mary T. Schaub, and Lee M. Terrio

Submissions from 1993


Acoustic Analysis of Diplophonia: A Follow Up Report, Lee M. Terrio and Diane Schreibweiss-Merin

Submissions from 1975


Electroacoustic Contingency Management of the Acoustic Spectra of Speech, James L. Fitch and Leelen M. Terrio