The objective of this project is to assemble in a single location relevant materials relating to the taxonomy, systematics, biology, and pertinent literature resources for the crustacean Order, Tanaidacea. Tanaids are small crustaceans found in most marine and brackish-water habitats. At present, there are over 1500 nominal species classified within over 300 taxonomic genera. In 1983, a comprehensive compilation of taxonomy, systematics, and literature was published by a renowned authority on Tanaidacea, Jürgen Sieg. Sieg’s Crustaceorum Catalogus- Pars 6- Tanaidacea summarized the knowledge to date which had been published on this group during the previous 175 years. At present, several dozen scholars continue to expand the knowledge base for the taxon.
The initial product of my project (Tanaidacea–Thirty Years of Scholarship. Vers. 1.0) was published in 2013 as an effort to update Sieg’s work. Subsequent iterations (Vers. 1.1, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0) updated the initial product by incorporating results of research conducted during the intervening years. The previous edition (Vers. 3.0, published in 2020) included investigations conducted since 1983 and is still accessible from this webpage. The present work (Tanaidacea-Recent Scholarship (2000- present). Vers 4.0) has been renamed and emphasizes studies conducted since 2000.
Submissions from 2023
Tanaidacea - Recent Scholarship (2000-present), Gary Anderson
Submissions from 2020
Tanaidacea– Forty Years of Scholarship, Version 3.0, Gary Anderson