Submissions from 1991
Stopover of Neotropical Landbird Migrants on East Ship Island Following Trans-Gulf Migration, Amy Jo Kuenzi, Frank R. Moore, and Ted R. Simons
Biofilms: An ESEM Evaluation of Artifacts Introduced During SEM Preparation, Brenda Little, Patricia Wagner, Richard Ray, Robert Pope, and Raymond Scheetz
Value of Aquatic Macrophytes for Invertebrates: Studies Conducted In Lake Seminole, Florida, and Georgia, Andrew C. Miller, Richard Peets, and David C. Beckett
Evidence of Food-Based Competiton Among Passerine Migrants During Stopover, Frank R. Moore and Wang Yong
Dynamics of Littoral Fishes and Decapods along a Coastal River-Estuarine Gradient, Mark S. Peterson and Stephen T. Ross
Prey-Size Relationships and Feeding Tactics of Primitive Stream-Dwelling Darters, Chet Rakocinski
Mechanisms Structuring Stream Fish Assemblages: Are There Lessons from Introduced Species?, Stephen T. Ross
Screening a Yeast Promoter Library Leads to the Isolation of the RP29/L32 and SNR17B/RPL37A Divergent Promoters and the Discovery of a Gene Encoding Ribosomal, George M. Santangelo, Joanne Tornow, Calvin S. McLaughlin, and Kivie Moldave
Plasma Cortisol Response of Seawater-Adapted Mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus During Deep MS-222 Anesthesia, Stephen Spotte, Patricia M. Bubucis, and Gary Anderson
Temperature and Salinity Effects on Early Juvenile Development of the Stone Crab, Menippe mercenaria, Shiao Y. Wang and F.M. Truesdale
Comparisons of Potential Allelopathy of 7 Fresh Water Species of Spikerushes (Eleocharis), Jean W. Wooten and Stella D. Elakovich
Submissions from 1990
Growth and Maturation of a North American Fairy Shrimp, Streptocephalus seali (Crustacea, Anostraca): A Laboratory Study, Gary Anderson and Sheau-Yu Hsu
Additional Observations on Variations in Egg Size Among Populations of Streptocephalus-Seali (Anostraca), Denton Belk, Gary Anderson, and Sheau-Yu Hsu
Changes in Biochemical Composition During Embryogenesis of the Deep Sea Red Crab Chaceon quinquedens, Patricia M. Biesiot and H.M. Perry
Pyrimidine Biosynthetic Pathway of Pseudomona's Fluorescens, Chien-Peng Chu and Thomas P. West
Pyrimidine Ribonucleoside Catabolism in Pseudomonas fluorescens Biotype - A, Chien-Peng Chu and Thomas P. West
Films and Videotapes on Neurobiology and Behavior, Nathan H. Hart and Gary Anderson
Energy Demands of Migration on Red-Eyed Vireos, Vireo olivaceus, Diane E. Loria and Frank R. Moore
Evidence for Redetermination of Migratory Direction Following Wind Displacement, Frank R. Moore
Prothonotary Warblers Cross the Gulf-of-Mexico Together, Frank R. Moore
Stopover on a Gulf-Coast Barrier Island by Spring Trans-Gulf Migrants, Frank R. Moore, Paul Kerlinger, and Ted R. Simons
Utilization of Pyrimidine-Bases and Nucleosides by the Pseudomonas-stutzeri Group, Thomas P. West
Regulation of Pyrimidine Biosynthesis in Pseudomona cepacia, Thomas P. West and Chien-Peng Chu
Foot-Quivering as a Foraging Maneuver Among Migrating Catharus Thrushes, Wang Yong and Frank R. Moore