Submissions from 2001
The Effect of Community Composition on Persistence of Prey with their Predators in an Assemblage of Pond-Breeding Amphibians, Susan C. Walls and Marc G. Williams
Submissions from 2000
Life-History of the Flagfin shiner, Pteronotropis signipinnis, from a Blackwater Stream in Southeastern Mississippi, Brett Albanese
Reproductive Behavior and Spawning Microhabitat of the Flagfin Shiner Pteronotropis signipinnis, Brett Albanese
Multiple Paternity in the Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes pugio, M.A. Baragona, L.A. Haig-Ladewig, and Shiao Y. Wang
Interfacial Self Assembly of the Fungal Hydrophobin SC3, Jeffrey Shawn Goodwin, Gregory G. Martin, Charles L. McCormick, Gordon C. Cannon, and Peter Butko
Definitive Prebasic Molt of Gray Catbirds at Two Sites in New England, Colleen Dwyer Heise and Christopher C. Rimmer
Effects of Restraint and Animal Interaction on Carbon Monoxide Lethality: Stress and the Role of Corticosterone, James B. Larsen, Katherine T. Fokakis, Melissa A. Massett, Lisa A. Ciccarelli, and Lisa R. Smith
NMR Study of Chloroplast Water in Acer platanoides: Water Exchange at Membrane-Bound Sites and Across the Chloroplast Envelope Membrane, Douglas C. McCain
Magnetic Information Calibrates Celestial Cues During Migration, Roland Sandberg, Johan Bäckman, Frank R. Moore, and Mare Lõhmus
Fatty Acid Profiles Associated with Diapause Egg Production in Two Species of Freshwater Calanoid Copepods, J. Williams and Patricia M. Biesiot
The Effects of Time of Day on Mother-Infant Association Patterns of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Captivity, K.L. Wright and S. Kuczaj
Submissions from 1999
Utilization of Parking Lots in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA, and Impacts on Local Streams, Brett Albanese and Glenn Matlack
The Winogradsky Column & Biofilms: Models for Teaching Nutrient Cycling & Succession in an Ecosystem, Delia Castro Anderson and Rosalina V. Hairston
Quantification of Taura Syndrome Virus in Shrimp by Competitive Reverse Transcription-PCR, M.A. Baragona and Shiao Y. Wang
Organic Reserves in the Midgut Gland and Fat Body of the Giant Deep-Sea Isopod Bathynomus giganteus, Patricia M. Biesiot, Shiao Y. Wang, Harriet M. Perry, and Christine Trigg
Molecular Epidemiology of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci from 6 Hospitals in New York State, Lawrence H. Bopp, Dianna J. Schoonmaker, Aldona L. Baltch, Raymond P. Smith, and William J. Ritz
Influence of Summer Biogeography on Wood Warbler Stopover Abundance, Jeffrey F. Kelly, Rob Smith, Deborah M. Finch, Frank R. Moore, and Wang Yong
Isolation and Characterization of Differentially Expressed Genes in Taura Syndrome Virus-Infected Shrimp, Y. Lu and Shiao Y. Wang
Convergent Evolution of the Mating Behaviour of Founder-Flush Populations of the Housefly, L.M. Meffert, Jennifer L. Regan, and B.W. Brown
Evidence of Immunological Responses by a Host Fish (Ambloplites rupestris) and two Non-Host Fishes (Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus) to Glochidia of a Freshwater Mussel (Villosa iris), Martin T. O'Connell and Richard J. Neves
Interactions Between Nile Perch, Lates niloticus, and Other Fishes in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, Pamela J. Schofield and Lauren J. Chapman
Toward an Understanding of Satellite DNA Function in Crustacea, Shiao Y. Wang, Patricia M. Biesiot, and Dorothy M. Skinner
Isolation Acid Characterization of Microsatellite loci from the Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, K.L. Wright and Shiao Y. Wang
Submissions from 1998
Where Have All the Crangonyx Gone? The Disappearance of the Amphipod Crangonyx pseudogracilis, and Subsequent Appearance of Gammarus nr. fasciatus, in the Ohio River, David C. Beckett, Philip A. Lewis, and James H. Green
KMED: A Two Step Process to Remove Color from Pulp Mill Wastewater, DA Braasch, R. D. Ellender, and A Smith