Submissions from 2004
Use of a Prototype Instrument to Detect Short-Term Changes in Solar-Excited Leaf Fluorescence, Greg A. Carter, A. Freedman, P.L. Kebabian, and H.E. Scott
Are Spotted Bass (Micropterus punctulatus) Attracted to Schreckstoff? A Test of the Predator Attraction Hypothesis, Mollie F. Cashner
Comparative Study of Sand Porosity and a Technique for Determining Porosity of Undisturbed Marine Sediment, Conrad W. Curry, Richard H. Bennett, Matthew H. Hulbert, Kenneth J. Curry, and Richard W. Faas
Conservation and Management Implications of Fine-Scale Genetic Structure of Gulf Sturgeon in the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, M.A. Dugo, Brian R. Kreiser, Stephen T. Ross, W.T. Slack, R.J. Heise, and B.R. Bowen
Testing the Amyloid Toxicity Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease in Transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans Model, Astrid Gutierrez-Zepeda and Yuan Luo
Spawning and Associated Movement Patterns of Gulf Sturgeon in the Pascagoula River Drainage, Mississippi, Ryan J. Heise, William T. Slack, Stephen T. Ross, and Mark A. Dugo
Survey of Salamanders in Mississippi Limestone Caves, John G. Himes, David C. Beckett, and Austin W. Trousdale
Developing Molecular Methods to Identify and Quantify Ballast Water Organisms: A Test Case with Cnidarians, Brian Kreiser
Genetic Variation in Native and Introduced Populations of Tropical Soda Apple (Solanum viarum), Brian R. Kreiser, Charles T. Bryson, and Shaharra J. Usnick
Long-Lived Worms and Aging, Yuan Luo
Incremental Genetic K-means Algorithm and its Application in Gene Expression Data Analysis, Yi Lu, Shiyong Lu, Farhad Fotouhi, Youping Deng, and Susan J. Brown
The Use of Differential Display to Isolate Viral Genomic Sequence for Rapid Development of PCR-Based Detection Methods: A Test Case Using Taura Syndrome Virus, Yufeng Lu, Shiao Y. Wang, and Jeffrey M. Lotz
Effect of Cercosporella rubi on Blackberry Floral Bud Development, Melinda R. Lyman, Kenneth J. Curry, Barbara J. Smith, and Susan V. Diehl
A Biochemical Analysis of Developing Eggs and Larvae of the American Horseshoe Crab Limulus polyphemus from Delaware Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, M.A. Mollenhauer, Patricia M. Biesiot, and H.M. Perry
Using Scope-for-Growth Estimates to Compare the Suitability of Feeds used in Shrimp Aquaculture, I. Patrick Saoud and Gary Anderson
Influence of Elevated CO2, Nitrogen, and Pinus elliottii Genotypes on Performance of the Redheaded Pine Sawfly, Neodiprion lecontei, Milam E. Saxon, Micheal A. Davis, Seth G. Pritchard, G. Brett Runion, Stephen A. Prior, Hank E. Stelzer, Hugo H. Rogers, and Roland R. Dute
Influence of Salinity, Competition and Food Supply on the Growth of Gobiosoma robustum and Microgobius gulosus from Florida Bay, U. S. A., P.J. Schofield
Factors Influencing Refuge Occupation by Stone Crab Menippe adina Juveniles in Mississippi Sound, Virginia R. Shervette, Harriet M. Perry, Chet F. Rakocinski, and Patricia M. Biesiot
Ecology and Population Structure of the Bayou Darter, Etheostoma rubrum: Disjunct Riffle Habitats and Downstream Transport of Larvae, William Todd Slack, Stephen T. Ross, and John A. Ewing III
Studies on Molecular Mechanisms of Ginkgo biloba Extract, J.V. Smith and Yuan Luo
Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling in a Model Longleaf Pine Community as Affected by Elevated Atmospheric CO2, H. Allen Torbert, Stephen A. Prior, G. Brett Runion, Micheal A. Davis, Seth G. Pritchard, and Hugo H. Rogers
Seasonal Use of Bridges by Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat, Corynorhinus rafinesquii, in Southern Mississippi, Austin W. Trousdale and David C. Beckett
CAY-1, A Potential Natural Fungicide for Control of Small Fruit Diseases, David E. Wedge, Kenneth J. Curry, Maritza Abril, Barbara J. Smith, and Anthony J. DeLucca
What Determines Lipid Content in Copepods Preparing for Long-Term Dormancy?, Judith L. Williams
Lipids and Fatty Acids of the Benthic Marine Harpacticoid copepod Heteropsyllus nunni Coull During Diapause: A Contrast to Pelagic Copepods, Judith L. Williams and Patricia M. Biesiot