Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Research and Administration

Committee Chair

Kyna Shelley

Committee Chair Department

Educational Research and Administration

Committee Member 2

Richard Mohn

Committee Member 2 Department

Educational Research and Administration

Committee Member 3

Thomas Lipscomb

Committee Member 3 Department

Educational Research and Administration

Committee Member 4

Thomas V. O'Brien

Committee Member 4 Department

Educational Research and Administration


With the growing trend on the reliance on technology in today's youth, education has also been changing with the implementation of technology in the classroom setting. With immigrant populations increasing in the US, K-12 education must meet the demand in education to not only first generation immigrant students, but also to their reliance on technology. Research has been conducted on at-risk students and the implementation of technology in the classroom, but not so much on what first generation immigrant at-risk students think of the implementation of one computer for every student in the classroom setting and if they find it beneficial to their education. For this study, quantitative data were collected at an alternative school in northeast Texas. All 74 participants were night school students who had previously dropped out of high school and were returning to earn their high school diploma. Statistical analysis indicated that there were statistically significant relationships between the students' reported level of laptop integration in the classroom and their level of reported learning, the students' reported level of laptop proficiency and their reported level of learning, and the relationship between the students' attitude towards learning and their level of reported laptop usage. Based on these results, it was determined that this group of at-risk students in the sample value the implementation of laptops in their classroom setting and see them as an asset to their education.


