Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Interdisciplinary Studies and Professional Development

Committee Chair

Heather Annulis

Committee Chair School

Interdisciplinary Studies and Professional Development

Committee Member 2

Cyndi Gaudet

Committee Member 2 School

Interdisciplinary Studies and Professional Development

Committee Member 3

Dale Lunsford

Committee Member 3 School

Interdisciplinary Studies and Professional Development

Committee Member 4

Quincy Brown

Committee Member 4 School

Interdisciplinary Studies and Professional Development


Turnover in the hospitality industry is higher than any other industry. In order for organizations to ensure their competitive advantage, they must continually facilitate ways to improve social exchange relationships, increase organizational commitment, and reduce intent to leave. Implementation of strategic HRD initiatives aimed at encouraging the development of leader-member exchange, team member exchange, and coworker exchange are important to increasing organizational commitment and reducing intent to leave. The purpose is to identify if a specific type of Social Exchange influences organizational commitment and intent to leave above others.

Results of this non-experimental study indicated that leader-member exchange, team member exchange, and coworker exchange have a significant and positive influence on organizational commitment. Coworker exchange is shown to influence organizational commitment more than any other type of Exchange. Leader-member exchange, team member exchange, and organizational commitment predicts intent to leave. Finally, team member exchange and coworker exchange must use organizational commitment as an intervening variable to reduce employee intent to leave.

As a result, all social exchange relationships in this study possess the ability to influence organizational commitment. Organizations should consider a holistic view by developing many types of social exchange relationships to positively influence and predict organizational commitment and intent to leave in a casino resort environment. The benefits of facilitating social exchange to affect levels of organizational commitment contribute not only to reduced desires of intent to leave, but also to other Human Capital attributes that improve overall team member performance and productivity through strategic human resources development programs.
