Date of Award

Spring 5-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership and School Counseling

Committee Chair

David Lee

Committee Chair Department

Educational Leadership and School Counseling

Committee Member 2

James T. Johnson

Committee Member 3

Thelma Roberson

Committee Member 3 Department

Educational Leadership and School Counseling

Committee Member 4

Myron Labat

Committee Member 4 Department

Educational Leadership and School Counseling


The purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship existed between teacher perception of a school’s behavior management program and the implementation process. This study explored perceptions of teachers from three aspects of the Positive Behavior Intervention Support model as they relate to the implementation processes for PBIS. This design is intended to provide strategies for behavior modification to improve and transform inappropriate behaviors through reinforcement of positive behaviors in lieu of punitive strategies to correct disruptive behaviors. The framework for a positive behavior reinforcement system is data driven, identifying specific behaviors that impede learning and formulating an intervention using a tiered system similar to the intervention system used for identified academic weaknesses.

Expectations for increased academic growth have been placed on the academic domain by federal mandates with increasingly unyielding consequences. School personnel are facing more challenges as students come to school having experienced harsh behavior practices at home that will connect with academic difficulties at school. Administrative support in correcting behavioral issues are a concern for educators. Flannery, Sugai, and Anderson (2009) conducted a study where schools with experience implementing PBIS have suggested different strategies for implementing proactive interventions. Teacher perceptions of these strategies hold the possibility of successful implementation or failed efforts. This study examines if a relationship exists between teacher perception of PBIS and the implementation process, and teacher perception and the role of the administrator in the PBIS implementation process, teacher perception of the role of administrator and the implementation process.

Quantitative data were collected to examine the participants’ perceptions of PBIS that support pro-social behaviors and decrease anti-social behaviors to determine if a relationship exists between their perceptions and their implementation processes. The participants rated their perception of the administrator’s role in PBIS, examining the presence of a relationship between this perception and their implementation process. Teachers’ perceptions of the administrator’s role in PBIS were considered to determine if a relationship exists between the administrator’s role and teachers’ perceptions of PBIS.

The results indicated a positive correlation existed across all variables. Additional research was found that demonstrated the importance of the implementation process, but more importantly, teacher perception drives a successful implementation experience to generate the desired results in academic achievement (Gorgueiro, 2008). This study generated results that may be of interest to administrators considering the implementation of a positive behavior model. The results identified an existence of a positive correlation between all variables that can provide insight for administrators to realize the value of teacher perspective to drive decisions on team leadership roles, involvement of teachers in the planning process, and training with support systems in place.
