"Assessing the Impact of an Individual Diabetic Education Program and B" by Avery C. Carpenter, Rechendia C. Carpenter et al.

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice

Committee Chair

Dr. Lisa Morgan

Committee Chair School

Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice

Committee Member 2

Dr. Lakenya Forthner

Committee Member 2 School

Leadership and Advanced Nursing Practice


Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects numerous people worldwide. Diabetic education assists people with understanding the nature of diabetes, its side effects and how to successfully deal with the condition. The doctoral project incorporates finding out how glucose monitoring, prescription administration, dieting propensities, and the significance of customary activities. With proper education the impact on one’s health with this chronic condition can improve for the better.

The nature of this doctoral project is to assess the impact that a diabetic education program and big data app have on three generations. Members of the group partnered with Hutton Healthcare in Hattiesburg, Mississippi for one month and a half with each member choosing several patients to follow from one of the three generations to implement an intervention. Innovation can be utilized to supplement healthcare supplier diabetes care by giving both instructive and motivational bolster. Instructions were given utilizing innovation permitting patients to memorize unused hones and schedules related to diabetes administration.
