Ocean Reflections
The Ocean Reflections section of Gulf and Caribbean Research (GCR) highlights invited manuscripts from eminent senior scientists with a significant history of research in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea regions. These invited contributors will address broad topics associated with the region and will discuss how their discipline has evolved during their career due to technological advances, changes in the discipline, or paradigm shifts. These invited contributions will be editor—reviewed, Open Access, and limited to 1—2 per volume (year). We anticipate these invited articles will be advantageous for young scientists and undergraduate and graduate students alike as they will focus on the history and development of selected disciplines written by senior—level leaders in the field of study. A brief biography of the author will be included with each article. The Ocean Reflections section will highlight the development and changes in such diverse fields as deep sea research, coral reef ecology, harmful algal blooms and salt marsh ecology among others over the past 30—40 years. It is our hope that the GCR readership will gain an appreciation for the evolution of science and research through these Ocean Reflections articles. Below is a list of invited Ocean Reflections articles with links to the Open Access papers and short author biographies.Ocean Reflections
You Can't Catch a Fish with a Robot 2016
R. Grant Gilmore Jr.
Fishery Habitat in Estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico: Reflections on Geographical Variability in Salt Marsh Value and Function 2017
Thomas J. Minello
Connectivity is Everything 2018
Richard S. Appeldoorn
Seagrass Ecosystems: A Career-Long Quest to Understand their Inner Workings 2019
Kenneth L. Heck Jr
Available as Open Access
Chasing Nutrients and Algal Blooms in Gulf and Caribbean Waters: A Personal Story 2019
Brian E. Lapointe
Available as Open Access
Gulf Coast Marine Laboratories Past, Present and Future 2020
Donald F. Boesch
Available as Open Access
Exploring Scale in Ocean and Coastal Governance in the Wider Caribbean 2020
Robin C. Mahon
Available as Open Access
How a Simple Question About Freshwater Inflow to Estuaries Shaped a Career 2021
Paul A. Montagna
Available as Open Access
Elevating Dissolved Oxygen—Reflections on Developing and Using Long-Term Data 2021
Nancy N. Rabalais
Available as Open Access
Reflections on a Career Unplanned 2023
Robert A. Glazer
Available as Open Access
Lessons From an Iconic Grouper: Sex, Science, and Serendipity 2024
Yvonne J. Sadovy de Mitcheson
Available as Open Access