Home > GCR > Vol. 26 > Iss. 1 (2015)
Volume 26, Issue 1 (2015)
Old Dogs, New Tricks
Mark S. Peterson and Nancy J. Brown-Peterson
Movement of Bigmouth Sleeper, Gobiomorus dormitor, in the Río Cañas, Puerto Rico, revealed by radio telemetry, and a discussion of the species’ amphidromous characterization
Steve E. Lochmann, Christine Adelsberger, and J. Wesley Neal
Rangia cuneata clam decline in Lake Pontchartrain from 2001 to 2014 due to an El Niño Southern Oscillation shift coupled with a period of high hurricane intensity and frequency
Michael A. Poirrier and Claire E. Caputo
Survey of two perfluorinated organic compounds (PFOA and PFHxA) in water and biota surrounding a polyfluorinated chemical plant
Kevin S. Dillon
Short Communications
Length–weight and length–length relationships of the Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus, off the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Juan E.B. Pérez-Chacón and Alfonso Aguilar-Perera