Geography & Geology Faculty Publications | School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences | The University of Southern Mississippi


Submissions from 1993


Subsurface Structure and Hydrocarbon Occurrence, Cretaceous Rocks of Maxie and Pistol Ridge Fields, Southeastern Mississippi, Songqiao Luo and Maurice A. Meylan


Disease and Death in Early Colonial Mexico: Simulating Amerindian Depopulation, Mark M. Miller

Submissions from 1992


Petrologic Discrimination Between the Neogene Formations in Adams and Wilkinson Counties, Southwestern Mississippi, Kenneth F. Rhinehart and Maurice A. Meylan

Submissions from 1991


Correlations Between Sound Velocity and Related Properties of Glacio-Marine Sediments: Barents Sea, Thomas H. Orsi and Dean A. Dunn


The Sugar Cane Industry: An Historical Geography From Its Origins to 1914, Robert W. Wales

Submissions from 1990


Southern Timberman: The Legacy of William Buchanan, Ralph D. Cross


Atlas Draw, Julie Elbert

Manganese Crusts and Nodules From the Manihiki Plateau and Adjacent Areas: Results of HMNZs Tui Cruises, Maurice A. Meylan, G.P. Glasby, P.J. Hill, and B.C. McKelvey

Submissions from 1988


Abstract: Recent Sedimentary Environment of Pensacola Bay, Florida, Sheri M. George, Wayne C. Isphording, and Maurice A. Meylan


Petrology and Depositional Environments of Lower Tuscaloosa Formation (Upper Cretaceous) Sandstones in the North Hustler and Thompson Field Areas, Southwest Mississippi, Douglas P. Klicman, Christopher P. Cameron, and Maurice A. Meylan


Strontium Isotopes in Brines and Associated Rocks From Crectaceous Strata in the Mississippi Salt Dome Basin (Southeastern Mississippi, U.S.A.), C. Winston Russell, James B. Cowart, and Gail S. Russell

Submissions from 1987


Petrology and Hydrocarbon Reservoir Potential of Subsurface Pottsville (Pennsylvania) Sandstones, Black Warrior Basin, Mississippi, Russell H. Beard and Maurice A. Meylan


The Choctaw: Self Determination and Socioeconomic Development, Jesse O. McKee

Submissions from 1986


Subsurface Structure and Hydrocarbon Occurrence, Heidelberg-Sand Hill Graben System, Southeast, Mississippi, J. Keith Bowman and Maurice A. Meylan

Submissions from 1983


Red Bluff, Marion County, Mississippi: A Citronelle Braided Stream Deposit, Mark L. Smith and Maurice A. Meylan
