
Thad Cochran Center 216

Presentation Type


Start Date

26-4-2019 10:00 AM


This workshop will be a deep dive into digital preservation. Whether you are wondering where to start or want to discuss the nitty-gritty, this workshop will cover it. Structured using the six modules of digital preservation as developed by the Library of Congress' Digital Preservation Outreach and Education program, this workshop will walk through how to:

* Identify . . . the types of digital content you have.
* Select . . . what portion of your digital content will be preserved.
* Store . . . your selected content for the long term.
* Protect . . . your content from everyday threats and emergency contingencies.
* Manage . . . and implement requirements for long term management.
* Provide . . . access to digital content over time.

Participants will learn the basics of digital preservation as well as specifics geared toward preserving Institutional Repository content for the long-term.


Apr 26th, 10:00 AM

Digital Preservation for IRs

Thad Cochran Center 216

This workshop will be a deep dive into digital preservation. Whether you are wondering where to start or want to discuss the nitty-gritty, this workshop will cover it. Structured using the six modules of digital preservation as developed by the Library of Congress' Digital Preservation Outreach and Education program, this workshop will walk through how to:

* Identify . . . the types of digital content you have.
* Select . . . what portion of your digital content will be preserved.
* Store . . . your selected content for the long term.
* Protect . . . your content from everyday threats and emergency contingencies.
* Manage . . . and implement requirements for long term management.
* Provide . . . access to digital content over time.

Participants will learn the basics of digital preservation as well as specifics geared toward preserving Institutional Repository content for the long-term.