
Published by The University of Southern Mississippi since 1962, The Southern Quarterly is a scholarly journal devoted to the interdisciplinary study of Southern arts and culture. A member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) and available through Project MUSE, The SoQ defines "the arts" broadly, including literature, painting, sculpture, music, dance, theatre, film, and popular culture. We also publish studies of Southern culture informed by such disciplines as history, folklore, anthropology, political science, and social geography. The SoQ defines "The South" as anything south of the Mason Dixon Line, including the Caribbean, to the larger Global South. The SoQ brings scholarly articles, cutting edge interviews, archival documents with commentary, photo essays, portfolios, and book reviews to subscribers all over the world.

To submit content, please use the “submit article” link in the left menu. For all other correspondence, please email SouthernQuarterly@usm.edu.

NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS: Due to delays resulting from the pandemic, The Southern Quarterly is experiencing a delay in its publication schedule. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you that all subscribers will be sent the issues which they are owed.

58.1/2 Special double issue on The Digital South, 15 September 2022
58.3 Special issue on Doing Southern Studies in Europe, 15 November 2022
58.4 General issue, 15 January 2023
Again, our apologies for the delay in receiving these expected issues.


Current Issue: Volume 58, Number 2 (2022) The Digital South

Table of Contents

Editor's Introduction