Subscription Information | The Southern Quarterly | The University of Southern Mississippi

Subscription Information

ISSN number (print): 0038-4496
Frequency of publication: Four times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer)
Language of publication: English
Publisher: The University of Southern Mississippi, College of Arts & Letters
Subscription period: Fall – Summer (November – September). Subscriptions begin with the first issue of each volume, unless otherwise specified. Subscription orders placed after May 1st may contain more than 2 back issues.

Electronic-only or combined print + electronic subscriptions

Order through Project MUSE:
Payment terms: pre-paid only.
Subscription rates:

  • Electronic-only: $65.00 per year
  • Combined print and electronic: $91.00 per year

Print-only subscriptions

Order online directly from publisher:
Subscription rates:

  • 1-year subscription (4 issues) for individuals is $40.00
  • 1-year subscription for institutions (4 issues) is $70.00
  • Add $65.00 per year for international mailing.

Alternately, return a completed subscription order form with your payment check to:

The Southern Quarterly
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive #5078
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0000

Claims for missing/damaged issues:

  • Claims must be received within six months of the issue cover date for replacement without charge (twelve months for international subscribers).
  • US subscriber claims made earlier than 5 weeks after the issue cover date cannot be honored. International subscriber claims made earlier than 8 weeks after the issue cover date cannot be honored.
  • The Southern Quarterly will fulfill two (2) claimed issues (replaced free of charge) in a subscription year.
  • Claims will be denied if made outside of the time period allowed or if more than 2 replacement issues are requested per subscription year.
  • If issue was damaged, describe damage. When damage makes an issue difficult to read, the issue may be claimed as damaged. A torn or creased cover is not considered a damaged issue.
  • Allow 6 weeks for receipt of the replacement issue for US addresses and 10 weeks for non-US addresses.