"FLM 469 Southern Miss Gulf Scholars Program Module" by Southern Miss Gulf Scholars Program

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Publication Date

Fall 8-21-2023


Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education


FLM 469: Film, Media and the Environment - Southern Miss Gulf Scholars Program Course

This course is structured around the culminating project for the course. Students will work in small groups to identify a topic and place, conduct research on their chosen topic, and create a short narrative, documentary or experimental film that engages with an environmental issue facing the gulf coast. The project will draw on material previously discussed in the course. For the introductory assignment students individually complete short practice project that mirrors the final inquiry project. They will learn about the social and environmental problems facing the Turkey Creek wetlands and community, conduct some additional research, and create a photo essay based on their experience researching, exploring, and documenting the Turkey Creek restoration site and historic neighborhood.


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