2018/19 Reports
Sense of the Senate - 5/3/2019, USM Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Recommendations 1 - 2019, USM Faculty Senate
Affirmative Action Report, VPFA - 2018, USM Faculty Senate
2017/18 Reports
Staff Appreciation Resolution, USM Faculty Senate
Load and Flexibility for Intersessions Recommendation, USM Faculty Senate
Online Learning Steering Committee and Online Learning Recommendation, USM Faculty Senate
Beckett Handbook Proposal Recommendation, USM Faculty Senate
AAUP Leadership Proposal Recommendation, USM Faculty Senate
2016/17 Reports
2015/16 Reports
QEP Report Presentation, USM Faculty Senate
SGA Flag Resolution, USM Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Academic Committee Report, USM Faculty Senate
Teaching Track Committee Report, USM Faculty Senate
2014/15 Reports
Faculty Senate Survey Report Part 1: Quantitative, USM Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Survey Report Part 2: Qualitative, USM Faculty Senate
Research Initiative on Social Justice and Equity (RISE) Report, April 2015, USM Faculty Senate
Faculty Memorial Scholarship Agreement, 11/18/2014, USM Faculty Senate
2012/13 Reports
Proposal to Modify Faculty Senate Bylaws, USM Faculty Senate
Classroom Scheduling Policy Draft, USM Faculty Senate
Faculty Consulting Policy, USM Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate 2013 Senator Apportionment and 2013 Elections, USM Faculty Senate
Summary of Consultant's Report on University Libraries at USM, USM Faculty Senate
Junior Faculty Award Criteria, USM Faculty Senate
USM Scholarly Misconduct Policy, USM Faculty Senate
2010/11 Reports
Recommendation to Reinstate Turnitin, USM Faculty Senate
2009/10 Reports
Administration's Response to Budget Questions, USM Faculty Senate
2008/09 Reports
Report of the Academic Planning Group, USM Faculty Senate
Appalachian State Chair Review Policy, USM Faculty Senate
Proposed USM Chair Review Policy, USM Faculty Senate
Responsibilities of the Department Chair, USM Faculty Senate
Retention Initiatives, USM Faculty Senate
Presentation on Sustainability, Larry Lee
Senator Doug Davis's Proposal to Modify IHL, USM Faculty Senate
2007/08 Reports
Presentation on Cross Creek, George Schloegel
Essentials of Strategic Enrollment Planning, James Mager
IHL Technology Procurement Procedures, USM Faculty Senate
Strategies for Strategic Enrollment Planning Communications, James Mager
Report on IHL Cross Creek Meeting, USM Faculty Senate
State of the Faculty Report - November 2007, USM Faculty Senate
2006/07 Reports
A Faculty Senate View of the Legacy of the Thames Administration, USM Faculty Senate
Proposed Constitution and By-Law Changes Regarding Elections, USM Faculty Senate
Summer Alternative Delivery Pay Recommendations, USM Faculty Senate