Home > GCR > Vol. 12 > Iss. 1 (2000)
Volume 12, Issue 1 (2000)
All articles in this volume are available as Open AccessArticles
Fecundity of Litopenaeus setiferus, Farfantepenaeus aztecus and F. duorarum, in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico
Martin Perez Velazquez and Adolfo Gracia
Feeding Habits of Juvenile Lane Snapper Lutjanus synagris from Mississippi Coastal Waters, with Comments on the Diet of Gray Snapper Lutjanus griseus
James S. Franks and Katherine E. VanderKooy
Possible Sustained Effects of Hurricanes Opal and Erin on the Macrobenthos of Nearshore Habitats Within the Gulf Islands National Seashore
Chet F. Rakocinski, Sara E. LeCroy, Jerry A. McLelland, and Richard W. Heard
Oceanic and Neritic Ichthyoplankton at the Edge of the Continental Shelf in the Southern Gulf of Mexico
Cesar Flores-Coto, Fernando Flores-Hernandez, Faustino Zavala-Garcia, Virgilio Arenas-Fuentes, Maria Adela Monreal-Gomez, and David Alberto Salas-de-Leon
The South American Neritic Copepod Ctenocalanus heronae Vega-Pérez and Bowman (Calanoida) in the Gulf of Mexico, with Comments on the Taxonomy of the Genus
E. Suarez-Morales and A. Leon-Oropeza
Relationship Between Pea Crab (Pinnotheres maculatus) Parasitism and Gonad Mass of the Bay Scallop (Argopecten irradians)
Paul A.X. Bologna and Kenneth L. Heck Jr.
Lunar Periodicity and Bioluminescence of Swarming Odontosyllis luminosa (Polychaeta: Syllidae) in Belize
Gary R. Gaston and Jennifer Hall