
Volume 17, Issue 1 (2005)

All articles in this volume are available as Open Access




Fishery and Biology of Blackfin Tuna Thunnus atlanticus off Northeastern Brazil
Katia M.F. Freire, Rosangela Lessa, and Jorge Eduardo Lins-Oliveira


Coastal Origin of Common Snook, Centropomus undecimalis, in Florida Bay
Heather M. Patterson, Ronald G. Taylor, and Richard S. McBride


Parasites of the American White Pelican
Robin M. Overstreet and Stephen S. Curran


Ecology of the Rock Shrimp Sicyonia dorsalis Kingsley, 1878 (Crustacea: Sicyoniidae) in a Subtropical Region of Brazil
Rogerio Caetano da Costa, Adilson Fransozo, and Maria Lucia Negreiros-Fransozo


Manatee Occurrence in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, West of Florida
D. Fertl, A.J. Schiro, G.T. Regan, C.A. Beck, N. Adimey, L. Price-May, A. Amos, G.A.J. Worthy, and R. Crossland


Ecology of the Mayan Cichlid, Cichlasoma urophthalmus Günther, in the Alvarado Lagoonal System, Veracruz, Mexico
Rafael Chavez-Lopez, Mark S. Peterson, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Ana Adalia Morales-Gomez, and Jonathan Franco-Lopez


Seasonal and Spatial Patterns in Salinity, Nutrients, and Chlorophyll α in the Alvarado Lagoonal System, Veracruz, Mexico
Angel Moran-Silva, Luis Antonio Martinez Franco, Rafael Chavez-Lopez, Jonathan Franco-Lopez, Carlos M. Bedia-Sanchez, Francisco Contreras Espinosa, Francisco Gutierrez Mendieta, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, and Mark S. Peterson


Long-Term Fish Assemblage Dynamics of the Alvarado Lagoon Estuary, Veracruz, Mexico
Rafael Chavez-Lopez, Jonathan Franco-Lopez, Angel Moran-Silva, and Martin T. O'Connell


Trophic Relationships of Demersal Fishes in the Shrimping Zone Off Alvarado Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico
Edgar Pelaez-Rodriguez, Jonathan Franco-Lopez, Wilfredo A. Matamoros, Rafael Chavez-Lopez, and Nancy J. Brown-Peterson

Short Communications