Theses from 2013
Teacher Stress and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Annie M. Ellis
The Relationship Between Calcium Intake and Body Mass Index In the Participants of HUB City Steps, Laura P. Ewoldt
Preparation and Detection of Degradation and Chain Scission Events In Epoxy-Amine Networks Using a Profluorescent Nitroxide Probe, Kylee F. Fazende
Plasmodium Prevalence in Northern Cardinals Over An Eight Month Period, Kaylee M. Gentry
Exploring the Interactions Between Interleukin-8 (IL8) and Amyloid-β (Aβ) Peptide in Traumatic Brain Injury, Olivia G. Gibson
Intergenic Regions and Repeating Gene Sequences in the Dinoflagellate Karenia brevis, Colleen A. Gregg
Targeted Delivery of Ribonucleotide Reductase siRNA in Cancer Cells via Gold Nanoplexes, John Caleb Grenn
The Impact of Self-Esteem and Religiosity on the Marital Readiness Criteria of College Students, Molly J. Gunnels
Damage Control: How Scrutinized Professional Athletes Use Twitter to Combat Negative Press, Jeffrey K. Haeger
Determination of 14C-Acetate Incorporation to Fungal Mass Conversion Factors of Selected Saprophytic Fungal Organisms, Jakayla M. Harrell
Differences In Latent Fingerprints of Caucasian Children, Jessica D. Hill
Investigation of Adhesion and Network Properties In Thiol-Ene Polymer Networks Modified With Catechol Functionality For Improved Stone Conservation, Ethan F.T. Hoff
The Effect of Product Density on Perceived Price and Quality, Joshua JC Holston
Movement Marketing of Nonprofit Organizations: Creating Consumer Advocates, Laura B. Hunt
Many Roads to Social Satisfaction? Social Anxiety, Social Interaction Format, and Social Belonging, Mohamed MI Ismail
Popularity of Virtual Reality Immersion in Theme Park Attractions of North America, Jessica A. Jelinski
If You Build It, They Will Come: A Study of Imperial Design in Victorian Britain, Scarlett A. Jones
The Effect of Patient Behavior and Race/Ethnicity On the Titration of Opioid Analgesia, Kirstin N. Kellar
Localized Meshless Methods With Radial Basis Functions For Eigenvalue Problems, Amy M. Kern
As Seen In Vogue: An Analytical Observation of Nudity In French and American Vogue, Elizabeth A. Kiehn
Visual Branding In Graphic Design, Leslie E. Kirk
Finding the Limitations of the Expanded Equivalent Fluid Approximation For Simulating Acoustic Interactions With the Ocean Bottom, Steven J. Kirkup
An Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Distributed Hash Algorithms in Improving Fault Tolerance in the Hadoop Running Environment, Benjamin R. Knaus
An Examination of the Social Functions of Mouth Behaviors in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Kirsten E. Lapuyade
The Effect of Joint Attention Intervention Techniques On Expressive Language Ability In Preschool Children With Autism, Beverly L. Locker
Facebook as a Job Screening Tool: Are Sales Employers Discriminating Against Job Applicants Based on their Facebook Profiles?, Jocelyn M. Lockhart
Attitudes, Perceptions, and Prevalence Rates of Non-Authorized Adderall Use Among College Students at The University of Southern Mississippi, Marshall P. Lundy
Comparative Effects of Upper or Lower Body Ergometry to Facilitate Recovery from High-Intensity Combined Arm and Leg Exercise, Benjamin Chad Lyman
The Relation of ADHD Characteristics to Positive Illusory Bias Among Gifted Elementary Students: IQ as a Possible Moderator, Meredith S. Manguno
Instrument-Specific Music Performance Anxiety, Aaron L. Manning
The Portraiture of Women During the Italian Renaissance, Rachel D. Masters
Perceptions of BP: Successes of Post 2010 Oil Spill Recover Effort, Jordan R. Mathews
Identification of an Unknown Intracellular Organism in Karenia brevis, Daniel O. McArthur
Attempt to Synthesize the (S) Enantiomer of a Glutathione Analog to be an Inhibitor of Glutathione Reductase, Sidney L. McClendon
Using Manipulative Models to Develop Tree-Thinking, Donaven C. McLaurin
Studies on Controlling the Morphology of an Organic Bulk-Heterojunction Photovoltaic Device to Improve its Efficiency, Kelly R. McLeod
On the Relation Between Parenting Practices and Pathological Narcissism In Adolescents, Kristen L. Mechanic
Fluctuating Asymmetry of Menidia beryllina as a Measure of the Environmental Stress Caused by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Savannah A. Michaelsen
The Relationship between Attitudes and Achievement in Mathematics among Fifth Grade Students, Madeleine P. Michelli
Effects of Illegal Immigration Upon Crime In the United States, Christopher M. Necaise
Just Good Advice: The American Advisors in the Vietnam War, Anna Rikki Nelson
A Quantitative Comparison of Energy Expenditure Between Exergames and Physical Activity Recommendations, Dalton A. Newell
The Characterization of AuNP-PEI Conjugates for siRNA Delivery to Cancer Cells, Albert J. Nosser
Disagreeable, Villainous, and Wimpy: The Child as Antihero in Burnett, Colfer, and Kinney, Blakely J. Owens
Water Simulation on WebGL and Three.js, Kerim J. Pereira
Behavorial Lateralization of Pectoral Fin Rubbing Researched In 27 Identified Bottlenose Dolphins, Brittany R. Poelma
“A Very Different Looking Class of People”: Racial Passing, Tragedy, and the Mulatto Citizen in American Literature, Stephanie S. Rambo
Black Empowerment and Mobilization: A Comparison of Urban and Small City Trends, Samantha D. Rayborn
The Impact of Edgy Teen Television Shows As Perceived By Entertainment Writers In Major American Newspapers Between 1996 and 2013, Jasmine I. Reedom
How Not to Spot a Terrorist: The Prevent Strategy’s Effect on British Muslims, Haddy K. Rikabi
Beethoven's Opus 96: The Sonata for Piano and Violin Perfected, Paul S. Roberts
The Persistence of Calvinism and Arminianism In the Southern Baptist Convention, Brett M. Rushing
Aaarrrggg I’m a Pirate: Cloud-Streaming Services and Their Effects on Music Consumption and Music Piracy, Caitlin M. Seale
The Who, What, Where, and How of Foreign Languages: A Study of Foreign Language Curricula At Four-Year Colleges In Mississippi, Mariah S. Senegal
Attitudes of Clinically Practicing Registered Nurses in Southern Mississippi Toward Physician-Assisted Death, Robin E. Smith
Racial Differences In Self-Efficacy Expectations For Exercise, Selena P. Smith
What’s Love Got to Do with It? A Content Analysis of English and Spanish Idiomatic Expressions, Allie R. Solomon
Explaining Leisure Interests, Personality, Work Centrality, and Vocational Interests, Stormy Z. Speaks
Changing the Nature of the Beast: An Analysis of Significant Variations From Madame De Beaumont’s La Belle Et La Bête In Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Heather A. Stevens
Study of Students' Knowledge of the Profession of Graphic Design, Rachael C. Thomas
The Council of Conservative Citizens: Extolling Nativism and Perpetuating Stereotypes, Jordan M. Tinnon
Holy Experiments and Unholy Acts: Sex, Law, and Religion in Colonial Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania, Anna L. Todd
Exploring the Influence of Students’ Socioeconomic Status Upon Musical Instrument Choice, LaTerence E. Varnado
“I have beene a reall Actor”: Analyzing the Writings of John Smith Through the Lens of Performative Documentary Theory, Kristen L. Walker
Differentiating Instruction for Gifted Learners in the Regular Classroom: A Quick-Reference Guide for Teachers, Sarah E. White
Arthropod Density In a Fragmented Urban Landscape Along the Northern Coast of the Gulf Of Mexico, Anna E. Williams
Characterization of the Function of a Mold Specific Gene, MS95, in the Pathogenic Dimorphic Fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, Danielle J. Williamson
Technology Expectations Of CPA Firms: Hiring and the Accounting Curriculum, Kristy N. Wilson
High Performance Network Communication between High Frequency Application Servers and Android Tablets, Brandon L. Wolfe
Biophysical Characterization and Cross-Seeding Properties Of LFAOs, Novel Prion-Like Oligomers of the Amyloid-Beta Peptide Involved In Alzheimer’s Disease, Morgan C. Woodrow
Application of Linear Sequences to Cryptography, Amanda C. Yeates
Theses from 2012
Online Music Piracy in College-Age Students, Jasmine D. Allen
The Relationship Between Resistance to Conformity and College Students’ Alcohol Use, Alcohol-related Consequences Experienced, and PBS Use, Melissa Ambrosino
Using GIS and Remote Sensing Applications to Determine Recovery from Disaster: Seven Years Post-Katrina in Residential Communities of Hancock County, Carlton P. Anderson
Biomedical Application of Cobalt(III)-containing Complexes: Structural and In Vitro Studies, Jessa Faye Arca
The Identification of Arachnid Species in the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, Lauren Auer
Interpersonal Desirability of the Self-Defeating Humorist, Ashley N. Barnes
Playing Echo in Eleemosynary: A Creative Thesis Project, Hayley Barnes
Grey Matter: Investigating the Gendered Fan Consumption of Grey’s Anatomy, John Barr
DNAgents 3.0: Genetically Engineered Mobile Agents for a Dynamic Network Topology, John Bovatsek
The Practice, Regulation, and Political Context of Midwifery in Mississippi: Attitudes of Healthcare Professionals, Alexandria Broadway
Evaluating Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties as Risk Factors of Delinquency, Miriam Brooks
Do Good: Greek Letter Organizations and Community Service, Lesley Brumfield
Questions Concerning Reasonable Religious Disagreements, Bradley Champine
Determining the Diversity of Wetland Fungi through Molecular-based Species Identification, Kimberly Chesteen
Spiders of Riparian Communities in the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, Belize, Megan Chevis
A Systematic Literature Review of Household Food Security and Overweight/Obese Status Among Low-Income Children, Meaghan A. Clark
Ghosts of the Mind: The Supernatural and Madness in Victorian Gothic Literature, Stephanie F. Craig
Matriarchal Monsters: Literary Villians Through the Lens of Gender, Katherine Currie
The Relation Between Cognitive Inflexibility and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Traits in Adults: Depression and Anxiety as Potential Mediators, LaKenya DeBerry
Inside the Score in the 21st Century: Techniques for Contemporary Large Jazz Ensemble Composition, Tyler Dennis