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University Libraries
The University of Southern Mississippi has included ETDs in the institutional repository since 2012, beginning with honors theses. In the early days, this was a very hands-on process that involved the direct uploading of ETDs by IR staff. However, once the Graduate School began adding ETDs to the IR as well, this workflow became untenable. In response, we worked with the Graduate School to develop a process in which students directly submit their ETDs to the IR, staff in the Graduate School review the submissions and send back any needed revisions, and then once the document is approved, Graduate School staff directly post them to the IR. The only involvement of IR staff is to run occasional metadata checks and provide technical support as needed.
This presentation will briefly outline the background of this project, followed by a look at the workflow and training process developed for the Graduate School. It will also address some lessons learned and ideas for improving the program going forward.
Recommended Citation
Cromwell, Josh, "Self-Driving ETDs: Developing an ETD Program that Runs Itself" (2020). University Libraries Workshops and Presentations. 14.
Presentation from USETDA 2020 Virtual Town Hall