
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1997)

All articles in this volume are available as Open Access



Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries: Do Benthos Feed Directly on Phytoplankton?
Gary R. Gaston, Carol M. Cleveland, Steven S. Brown, and Chet F. Rakocinski


Early Growth in Weight of Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) in Captivity
Charles W. Caillouet Jr., Clark T. Fontaine, Theodore D. Williams, and Sharon A. Manzella-Tirpak


Distribution and Abundance of Chaetognatha on the Yucatan Shelf During May, 1986.
Silvia Mille-Pagaza, Rocio Reyes-Martinez, and M. Elena Sanchez-Salazar