
Submissions from 2018


Autonomy of the Major Claw Stimulates Molting and Supresses Feeding in Fiddler Crabs, M. Zachary Darnell, Clare C. Rittschof, Jeanne Rittschof, Cheyenne Beach, and Dan Rittschof


Laboratory growth of denitrifying water column microbial consortia from deep-sea shipwrecks in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Lisa A. Fitzgerald, Dhanya Haridas, Justin C. Biffinger, Thomas J. Boyd, Preston A. Fulmer, and Leila J. Hamdan


Comparison of Aerosol Models From the Ocean Color Satellite Sensors and AERONET-OC and Their Impact On Reflectance Spectra In Coastal Waters, Alexander Gilerson, Eder Herrera, Yaron Klein, Robert Foster, Barry Gross, Robert Arnone, and Sam Ahmed


Seasonal Patterns in Phytoplankton Biomass Across the Northern and Deep Gulf of Mexico: A Numerical Model Study, Fabian A. Gomez, Sang-Ki Lee, Yanyun Liu, Frank J. Hernandez Jr., Frank E. Muller-Karger, and John T. Lamkin


Monitoring Programs of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Inventory, Development and Use of a Large Monitoring Database to Map Fish and Invertebrate Spatial Distributions, Arnaud Grüss, Holly A. Perryman, Elizabeth A. Babcock, Skyler R. Sagarese, James T. Thorson, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Evan John Anderson, Kenneth Brennan, Matthew D. Campbell, Mary C. Christman, Scott Cross, Michael D. Drexler, J. Marcus Drymon, Chris L. Gardner, David S. Hanisko, Jill Hendon, Christopher C. Koenig, Matthew Love, Fernando Martinez-Andrade, Jack Morris, Brandi T. Noble, Matthew A. Nuttall, Jason Osborne, Christy Pattengill-Semmens, Adam G. Pollack, Tracey T. Sutton, and Theodore S. Switzer


The Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout On Historic Shipwreck-Associated Sediment Microbiomes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Leila J. Hamdan, Jennifer Salerno, Allen H. Reed, Samantha B. Joye, and Melanie Damour


Laboratory Growth of Denitrifying Water Column Microbia Consortia From Deep-Sea Shipwrecks in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Dhanya Haridas, Justin C. Biffinger, Thomas J. Boyd, Preston A. Fulmer, Leila J. Hamdan, and Lisa A. Fitzgerald


Early Miocene Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Malacostraca) preserved in amber from Chiapas, Mexico, with the preliminary descriptions of new taxa, Richard W. Heard, María de Lourdes Serrano-Sánchez, and Francisco J. Vega


Systematic and Taxonomic Observations on the Subfamily Synapseudinae Guţu, 1972 and Related Metapseudid Taxa (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Apseudomorpha), With the Erection of a New Genus and Descriptions of Three New Species, Richard W. Heard, Anna Stępiań, David T. Drumm, Magdalena Błażewicz, and Gary Anderson


Biological Reference Points For Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) In Warming Seas, Daniel R. Hennen, Roger Mann, Daphne M. Munroe, and Eric N. Powell


An Overview of Factors Affecting Distribution of the Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima), a Continental Shelf Biomass Dominant, During a Period of Climate Change, Eileen E. Hoffman, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klink, Daphne M. Munroe, Roger Mann, Dale B. Haidvogel, Diego A. Narváez, Xinzhong Zhang, and Kelsey M. Kuykendall


Discriminating Among Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares Nursery Areas In the Atlantic Ocean Using Otolith Chemistry, L. L. Kitchens, J. R. Rooker, L. Reynal, B. J. Falterman, E. Saillant, and H. Murua


Best Practices for Analysing Microbiomes, Rob Knight, Alison Vrbanac, Bryn C. Taylor, Alexander Aksenov, Chris Callewaert, Justine Debelius, Antonio Gonzalez, Tomasz Kosciolek, Laura-Isobel McCall, Daniel McDonald, Alexey V. Melnik, James T. Morton, Jose Navas, Robert A. Quinn, Jon G. Sanders, Austin D. Swafford, Luke R. Thompson, Anupriya Tripathi, Zhenjiang Z. Xu, Jesse R. Zaneveld, Qiyun Zhu, J. Gregory Caporaso, and Pieter C. Dorrestein


Temporal Dynamics of Lipid and Fatty Acid Characteristics of Gulf Menhaden, Brevoortia patronus in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Robert R. Leaf, Jesse Trushenski, Nancy Brown-Peterson, and Michael J. Andres


Age, Growth, and Reproduction of Vermillion Snapper in the North-Central Gulf of Mexico, Trevor Moncrief, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, and Mark S. Peterson


Identifying Foraging Hotspots of Bottlenose Dolphins in a Highly Dynamic System: A Method to Enhance Conservation in Estuaries, Paula T. Moreno and Michael Mathews


Density-Dependent Capture Efficiency of a Survey Dredge and Its Influence On the Stock Assessment of Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in Delaware Bay, Jason M. Morson, Daphne M. Munroe, Kathy A. Ashton-Alcox, Eric N. Powell, David Bushek, and Jennifer Gius


Modeling Larval Dispersal and Connectivity for Atlantic Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) in the Middle Atlantic Bight, Daphne M. Munroe, Dale Haidvogel, Joseph C. Caracappa, John M. Klinck, Eric N. Powell, Eileen E. Hoffman, Burton V. Shank, and Deborah R. Hart


Understanding the Structure and Resilience of Trophic Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using Network Analysis, Megumi C. Oshima and Robert T. Leaf


Two-Hundred Year Record of Increasing Growith Rates for Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) From the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Sara M. Pace, Eric N. Powell, and Roger Mann


Biometric Relationships Between Body and Otolith Measurements In Nine Demersal Fishes From North-Eastern Tasmanian Waters, Australia, J. M. Park, T. F. Gaston, R. Riedel, and J. E. Williamson


Use of Non-Island, Shallow Nearshore Beach Environments by Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) Within the Mississippi Sound, USA, Mark S. Peterson, William T. Slack, Paul O. Grammer, and Jeanne-Marie Havrylkoff


Oysters, Sustainability, Management Models, and the World of Reference Points, Eric N. Powell, Eileen E. Hofmann, and John M. Klinck


Heteromyosis cocoensis n. sp. (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae) From Coastal Waters of Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, W. Wayne Price, Richard W. Heard, and Rita Vargas


Spatial Dynamics and Mixing of Bluefin Tuna in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea Revealed Using Next-Generation Sequencing, Gregory N. Puncher, Alessia Cariani, Gregory E. Maes, Jeroen Van Houdt, Koen Herten, Rita Cannas, Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Aitor Albania, Andone Estonba, Molly Lutcavage, Alex Hanke, Jay Rooker, James S. Franks, Joseph M. Quattro, Gualtiero Basilone, Igaratza Fraile, Urtzi Laconcha, Nicolas Goñi, Ai Kimoto, David Macías, Francisco Alemany, Simeon Deguara, Salem W. Zgozi, Fulvio Garibaldi, Isik K. Oray, Firdes Saadet Karakulak, Noureddine Abid, Miguel N. Santos, Piero Addis, Haritz Arrizabalaga, and Fausto Tinti


Conserving and Recovering Vulnerable Marine Species: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the US Approach for Marine Mammals, André E. Punt, Paula T. Moreno, John R. Brandon, and Michael A. Matthews


Feeding Patterns of Two Commercially Important Fish Species Scomberoides commersonnianus and S. tol In the Northern Arabian Sea Coast of Pakistan, Nazia Qamar, Sher Khan Panhwar, and Ralf Riedel


A New Species of Sprirorchis MacCallum, 1918, (Digenea: Schistosomatoidea) and Spirorchis scripta Stunkard, 1923, Infecting River Cooter, Pseudemys concinna (Le Conte, 1830), (Testudines: Emydidae) in the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, U.S.A., Including an Updated Phylogeny for Spirorchis spp., Jackson R. Roberts, Kenneth M. Halanych, Cova R. Arias, Stephen S. Curran, and Stephen A. Bullard


Deepwater Horizon Oil Alone and In Conjunction With Vibrio anguillarum Exposure Modulates Immune Response and Growth in Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), Maria L. Rodgers, Ryan Takeshita, and Robert J. Griffitt


Bacterial Species Identified on the Skin of Bottlenose Dolphins Off Southern California Via Next Generation Sequencing Techniques, Corey D. Russo, David W. Weller, Karen E. Nelson, Susan J. Chivers, Manolito Torralba, and D. Jay Grimes


Exposure to Crude Oil and Chemical Dispersant May Impact Marine Microbial Biofilm Composition and Steel Corrosion, Jennifer Salerno, Brenda Little, Jason Lee, and Leila J. Hamdan


Occurrence of Pelagic Sargassum In Waters of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico In Response To Weather-Related Hydrographic Regimes Associated With Decadal and Interannual Variability In Global Climate, Guillermo Sanchez-Rubio, Harriet Perry, James S. Franks, and Donald R. Johnson


Response to Turner 2017, Amy M. Schueller, Robert T. Leaf, Raymond M. Mroch III, and Geneviève M. Nesslage


The Pulley Ridge Deep Reef is Not a Stable Refugia Through Time, Marc Slattery, Steve Moore, Lauren Boye, Samantha Whitney, Allison Woolsey, and Max Woolsey


A New Microsporidium, Apotaspora heleios n.g., n. sp., From the Riverine Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes paludosus (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae), Yuliya Y. Sokolova and Robin M. Overstreet


Environmental Extremes Drive Population Structure at the Northern Range Limit of Atlantic Salmon in North America, Emma V.A. Sylvester, Robert G. Beiko, Paul Bentzen, Ian Paterson, John B. Horne, Beth Watson, Sarah Lehnert, Steven Duffy, Marie Clément, Martha J. Robertson, and Ian R. Bradbury


Assessment of the Relationship of Stock and Recruitment in the Atlantic Surfclam Spisula solidissima in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Jeremy R. Timbs, Eric N. Powell, and Roger Mann


American Gut: An Open Platform For Citizen Science Microbiome Research, Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza, Alison Vrbanac, Paul Wischmeyer, Elaine Wolfe, Qiyun Zhu, Rob Knight, Daniel McDonald, Embriette Hyde, Justine W. Debelius, James T. Morton, Antonio Gonzalez, Gail Ackermann, Alexander A. Aksenov, Bahar Behsaz, Caitriona Brennan, Yingfeng Chen, Lindsay De Right Goldasich, Pieter C. Dorrestein, Robert R. Dunn, Ashkaan K. Fahimipour, James Gaffney, Jack A. Gilbert, Grant Gogul, Jessica L. Green, Philip Hugenholtz, Greg Humphrey, Curtis Huttenhower, Matthew A. Jackson, Stefan Janssen, Dilip V. Jeste, Lingjing Jiang, Scott T. Kelley, and Dan Knights


Seascape Connectivity of Gulf Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi Population Units Across the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Page E. Vick, Mark S. Peterson, and William T. Slack


Occupancy Patterns of Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, Associated with Ship Island, Mississippi, Page E. Vick, Mark S. Peterson, William T. Slack, and Paul O. Grammer


Challenges, Pitfalls and Surprises: Development and Validation of a Monoclonal Antibody for Enzyme Immunoassay of the Steroid 1α-Hydroxycorticosterone In Elasmobranch Species, Catharine J. Wheaton, Natalie D. Mylniczenko, John M. Rimoldi, Rama S.V.S. Gadepalli, R. Hart, Bobbi R. O'Hara, and Andrew N. Evans


Pearl River Delta and Guangzhou (Canton) China, Lynn Donelson Wright and Wei Wu


Coastal Erosion and Land Loss: Causes and Impacts, Lynn Donelson Wright, Wei Wu, and James Morris


Model Selection in Bayesian Framework to Identify the Best WorldView-2 Based Vegetation Index in Predicting Green Biomass of Salt Marshes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Wei Wu, Matthew Bethel, Deepak R. Mishra, and Tyler Hardy

Submissions from 2017


Spatial Connectivity In an Adult-Sedentary Reef Fish With Extended Pelagic Larval Phase, Luca Antoni and Eric Saillant


Egg Quality Traits and Predictors of Embryo and Fry Viability in Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus, Agnés Bardon-Albaret and Eric Saillant

Egg Quality Traits and Predictors of Embryo and Fry Viability In Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus, Agnès Bardon-Albaret and Eric Saillant


Crude Oil Impairs Immune Function and Increases Susceptibility to Pathogenic Bacteria in Southern Flounder, Keith M. Bayha, Natalie Ortell, Caitlin Ryan, Kimberly J. Griffitt, Michelle Krasnec, Johnny Sena, Thiruvangan Ramaraj, Ryan Takeshita, Gregory D. Mayer, Faye Schilkey, and Robert J. Griffitt


The Proposed Dropping of the Genus Crassostrea for All Pacific Cupped Oysters and Its Replacement by a New Genus Magallana: A Dissenting View, B.L. Bayne, M. Ahrens, S.K. Allen, M. Angles D'Auriac, T. Backeljau, P. Beninger, R. Bohn, P. Boudry, J. Davis, T. Green, X. Guo, D. Hedgecock, A. Ibarra, P. Kingsley-Smith, M. Krause, C. Langdon, S. Lapegu, C. Li, D. Manahan, R. Mann, L. Perez-Paralle, E.N. Powell, P.D. Rawson, D. Speiser, J.-L. Sanchez, S. Shumway, and H. Wang


Introduction: Coastal Seagrass and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitats In the Gulf of Mexico, Patrick Biber and Hyun J. Cho


Shoalgrass in the Gulf of Mexico: A Mississippi Perspective, Patrick Biber and Hyun J. Cho


Distribution Patterns of the Gooseneck Barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes [Gmelin, 1789]) in the Cantabria Region (N Spain): Exploring Different Population Assessment Methods, Gorka Bidegain, Xabier Guinda, Araceli Puente, and José A. Juanes


Modeling the Transmission of Perkinsus marinus in the Eastern Oyster Crassotrea virginica, Gorka Bidegain, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Eileen E. Hofmann, T. Ben-Horin, David Bushek, S.E. Ford, Daphne M. Munroe, and Ximing Guo


Modeling the Transmission of Perkinsus marinus In the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica, G. Bidegain, E. N. Powell, J. M. Klinck, E. E. Hofmann, T. Ben-Horin, D. Bushek, S. E. Ford, D. M. Munroe, and X. Guo


The Combined Effect of Macondo Oil and Corexit on Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprindon variegatus) During Early Development, Thijs Bosker, Liselotte van Balen, Brid Walsh, Marisol S. Sepúlveda, Sylvain DeGuise, Chris Perkins, and Kimberly J. Griffitt


Toward a Tier System Approach for Calculating Limits on Human-caused Mortality of Marine Mammals, John R. Brandon, Andre E. Punt, Paula Moreno, and Randall R. Reeves


Responses of Juvenile Southern Flounder Exposed to Deepwater Horizon Oil-Contaminated Sediments, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Michelle O. Krasnec, Claire R. Lay, Jeffrey M. Morris, and Robert J. Griffitt


Reproductive Dynamics of Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Effects On Stock Assessments, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Robert T. Leaf, Amy M. Schueller, and Michael J. Andres


Reproductive Strategy of the Giant Electric Ray in the Southern Gulf of California, María I. Burgos-Vázquez, Paola A. Mejía-Falla, Victor H. Cruz-Escalona, and Nancy Brown-Peterson


Experimental and Field Evaluation of Otolith Strontium as a Marker to Discriminate Between River-Spawning Populations of Walleye in Lake Erie, Kuan-Yu Chen, Stuart A. Ludsin, Morgan M. Corey, Paris D. Collingsworth, Megan K. Nims, John W. Olesik, Konrad Dabrowski, Jason J. van Tassell, and Elizabeth A. Marschall


Seasonal and Annual Dynamics In Seagrass Beds of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, Hyun J. Cho, Patrick Biber, Kelly M. Darnell, and K.H. Dunton


Connecting Teenagers to Coastal Sciences Through Research and Education: Shark Fest Program, Samuel D. Clardy and Jill M. Hendon

Parasites of the Vermillion Snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens (Cuvier), From the Western Atlantic Ocean, Andrew T. Claxton, Andrew D. Fuehring, Michael J. Andres, Trevor D. Moncrief, and Stephen S. Curran


Growth and Spawning Dynamics of Southern Flounder in the North-Central Gulf of Mexico, Morgan M. Corey, Robert T. Leaf, Nancy Brown-Peterson, Mark S. Peterson, Samuel D. Clardy, and David Dippold


Spatial and Temporal Patterns In Thalassia testudinum Leaf Tissue Nutrients at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, USA, Kelly M. Darnell, Tim J.B. Carruthers, Patrick Biber, Ioannis Y. Georgiou, Thomas C. Michot, and Ronald G. Boustany


Plasticity in Turtle Grass (Thalassia testudinum) Flower Production as a Response to Porewater Nitrogen Availability, Kelly M. Darnell and Kenneth H. Dunton


Influence of Cladogenesis on Feeding Structures in Drums (Teleostei: Sciaenidae), Alison L. Deary and Eric J. Hilton


Growth, Mortality, and Movement of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum), David A. Dippold, Robert T. Leaf, James S. Franks, and J. Read Hendon


Seasonal Patterns in Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Antibody in Songbirds in Southern Maine, Susan P. Elias, Patrick Keenan, Joan L. Kenney, Sara R. Morris, Kristen M. Covino, Sara Robinson, Kimberly A. Foss, Peter W. Rand, Charles Lubelczyk, Eleanor H. Lacombe, John-Paul Mutebi, David Evers, and Robert P. Smith


Reproductive Life History Characteristics of Invasive Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) In the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Alexander Q. Fogg, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, and Mark S. Peterson


Intraseasonal Patterns In Coastal Plankton Biomass Off Central Chile Derived From Satellite Observations and a Biochemical Model, Fabian A. Gomez, Yvette H. Spitz, Harold P. Batchelder, and Marco A. Correa-Ramirez


Oyster Reef Restoration: Substrate Suitability May Depend on Specific Restoration Goals, Patrick M. Graham, Terence A. Palmer, and Jennifer Beseres Pollack


Associations Between Lobster Phyllosoma and Gelatinous Zooplankton in relation to Oceanographic Properties In the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Adam T. Greer, Christian Briseño-Avena, Alison L. Deary, Robert K. Cowen, Frank J. Hernandez Jr., and William Graham


Effects of Release Procedures On the Primary Stress Response and Post-Release Survival and Growth of Hatchery-Reared Spotted Seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus, Taylor W. Guest, Chester F. Rafocinksi, A.N. Evans, and Reginald B. Blaylock


A First Approach to Stock Assessment of the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816) in Cantabria (Bay of Biscay), Xabier Guinda, Gorka Bidegain, Araceli Puente, and Jose Antonio Juanes


Bottom-Up Control of Parasites, David S. Johnson and Richard W. Heard


Morphological Conservation of Rays in the Genus Rhinoptera (Elasmobranchii, Rhinopteridae) Conceals the Occurrence of a Large Batoid, Rhinoptera brasiliensis Muller, in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Christian M. Jones, Eric R. Hoffmayer, Jill M. Hendon, Joseph M. Quattro, Justin Lewandowski, Mark A. Roberts, Gregg R. Poulakis, Matthew J. Ajemian, William B. Driggers III, Marcelo R. de Carvalho, Mariana G. Rego, Fabio H.V. Hazin, and J. Fernando Marquez-Farias


Exposure to Deepwater Horizon Oil and Corexit 9500 at Low Concentrations Induces Transcriptional Changes and Alters Immune Transcriptional Pathways In Sheepshead Minnows, Elizabeth R. Jones, Christopher J. Martyniuk, Jeffrey M. Morris, Michelle O. Krasnec, and Robert J. Griffitt


Spatial and Temporal Variability In Ichthyoplankton Communities Ingressing Through Two Adjacent Inlets Along the Southeastern US Atlantic Coast, Breanna M. Korsman, Matthew E. Kimball, and Frank J. Hernandez


Spatial and Temporal Viability in Ichthyoplankton Communities Ingressing Through Two Adjacent Inlets Along the Southeastern US Atlantic Coast, Breanna M. Korsman, Matthew E. Kimball, and Frank J. Hernandez Jr.


Management Strategy Evaluation for the Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Using a Spatially Explicit, Vessel-based Fisheries Model, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Paula T. Moreno, and Robert T. Leaf


Environmental Determinants of Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) Oil Content In the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Robert T. Leaf


Natural Variability and Effects of Cleaning and Storage Procedures on Vertebral Chemistry of the Blacktip Shark Carcharhinus limbatus, J.P. Lewis, W.F. Patterson, and J.K. Carlson


Sound Production Patterns of Big-Clawed Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus spp.) are Influenced by Time-of-Day and Social Context, Ashlee Lillis, Jessica N. Perelman, Apryle Panyi, and T. Aran Mooney


Correction to "A Novel Approach Based on Marine Radar Data Analysis for High-Resolution Bathymetry Map Generation (vol 11, pg 234, 2014)", G. Ludeno, S. Flampouris, C. Lugni, F. Soldoveri, and F. Serafino


Dorsal Fin Spines as a Non-invasive Alternative Calcified Structure for Microelemental Studies in Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Patricia L. Luque, Saijin Zhang, Jay R. Rooker, Gorka Bidegain, and Enrique Rodriguez-Marin


The First Larval Age and Growth Curve for Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) From the Gulf of Mexico: Comparisons to the Straits of Florida, and the Balearic Sea (Mediterranean), Estrella Malca, Barbara Muhling, James Franks, Alberto Garcia, Jason Tilley, Trika Gerard, Walter Ingram, and John T. Lamkin


Gill Flukes (Monogenoidea) from the Rainbow Darter, Etheostoma caeruleum (Perciformes: Percidae): New Distributional Records for Arkansas, USA, Chris T. McAllister, Donald G. Cloutman, Henry W. Robison, and Thomas J. Fayton


Introduction of Vasyl V. Tkach, Recipient of the Henry Baldwin Ward Medal for 2017, Robin M. Overstreet


Diseases and Mortalities of Fishes and Other Animals In the Gulf of Mexico, Robin M. Overstreet and William E. Hawkins


Comparison of Age-Frequency Distributions for Ocean Quahogs Arctica islandica on the Western Atlantic US Continental Shelf, Sara M. Pace, Eric N. Powell, Roger Mann, and Long M. Chase


Development of an Age-Frequency Distribution for Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) on Georges Bank, Sara M. Pace, Eric N. Powell, Roger Mann, M. Chase Long, and John M. Klinck


What Is Going On With Perkinsus marinus in the Gulf of Mexico?, Eric N. Powell


The Death Assemblage As a Marker For Habitat and an Indicator of Climate Change: Georges Bank, Surfclams and Ocean Quahogs, Eric N. Powell, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, and Paula Moreno


Can We Estimate Molluscan Abundance and Biomass On the Continental Shelf?, Eric N. Powell, Roger L. Mann, Kathryn Ashton-Alcox, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, and M. Chase Long


Comparing Salinities of 10, 20, and 30% in Intensive, Commercial-Scale Biofloc Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Production Systems, Andrew J. Ray and Jeffrey M. Lotz


Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Production and Stable Isotope Dynamics In Clear-Water Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Versus Biofloc Systems, Andrew J. Ray and Jeffrey M. Lotz


Large-Scale Deposition of Weathered Oil in the Gulf of Mexico Following a Deep-Water Oil Spill, Isabel C. Romero, Gerardo Toro-Farmer, Arne-R. Diercks, Patrick Schwing, Frank Muller-Karger, Steven Murawski, and David J. Hollander


Novel Biological Exposures Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Revealed by Chemical Fingerprinting, Scott A. Stout, Eric Litman, Gregory Baker, and James S. Franks


Submerged aquatic vegetation, topography and flow characteristics in the upper, tidal Hudson River: Progress toward a predictive habitat model, Amanda I. Tinoco, Bradley T. Furman, Kelly M. Darnell, and Bradley J. Peterson