Submissions from 2017
Effect of Macondo Prospect 252 Oil On Microbiota Associated With Pelagic Sargassum in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Manolito G. Torralba, James S. Franks, Andres Gomez, Shibu Yooseph, and D. Jay Grimes
Characterisation and Monitoring of One of the World's Most Valuable Ecotourism Animals, the Southern Stingray at Stingray City, Grand Cayman, Jeremy J. Vaudo, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Guy C.M. Harvey, Jessica C. Harvey, Alexandra J.F. Prebble, Mark J. Corcoran, Matthew D. Potenski, Keith A. Bruni, Robert T. Leaf, Alan D. Henningsen, Jeremy S. Collie, and Mahmood S. Shivji
Biosynthesis of 1-hydroxycorticosterone in the Winter Skate Leucoraja ocellata: Evidence to Suggest a Novel Steroidogenic Route, J. Wiens, R. Ho, A.K. Brassinga, C.A. Deck, P.J. Walsh, R.N. Ben, K. McClymont, T. Charlton, A.N. Evans, and W.G. Anderson
Litter Decomposition of Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus: Implications of Climate Change In Salt Marshes, Wei Wu, Patrick Biber, and Matthew Bethel
Submissions from 2016
Spatial Ecology of Blue Shark and Shortfin Mako in Southern Peru: Local Abundance, Habitat Preferences and Implications for Conservation, Grant D. Adams, Daniel Flores, Oscar Galindo Flores, Kim Aarestrup, and Jon C. Svendsen
Description of Three Species of Isorchis (Digenea: Atractotrematidae) From Australia, Michael J. Andres, Eric E. Pulis, and Robin M. Overstreet
Effects of Hypoxia and Elevated Ammonia Concentration on the Viability of Red Snapper Embryos and Early Larvae, Agnes Bardon-Albaret and Eric A. Saillant
Fishing Diseased Abalone To Promote Yield and Conservation, Tal Ben-Horin, Kevin D. Lafferty, Gorka Bidegain, and Hunter S. Lenihan
Marine Infectious Disease Dynamics and Outbreak Thresholds: Contact Transmission, Pandemic Infection, and the Potential Role of Filter Feeders, Gorka Bidegain, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Tal Ben-Horin, and Eileen E. Hofmann
Microparasitic Disease Dynamics in Benthic Suspension Feeders: Infective Dose, Non-focal Hosts, and Particle Diffusion, G. Bidegain, E.N. Powell, J.M. Klinck, T. Ben-Horin, and E.E. Hofmann
Habitat Characterization for Submerged and Floating-Leaved Aquatic Vegetation In Coastal River Deltas of Mississippi and Alabama, Hyun J. Cho and Patrick D. Biber
Trematode Diversity in Freshwater Fishes of the Globe II: 'New World', Anindo Choudhury, M. Leopoldina Aguirre-Macedo, Stephen S. Curran, Margarita Ostrowski de Nunez, Robin M. Overstreet, Gerardo Perez-Ponce de Leon, and Claudia Portes Santos
Morpho-acoustic Characterization of Natural Seepage Features near the Macondo Wellhead (ECOGIG Site OC26, Gulf of Mexico), A. Conti, M. D'Emidio, L. Macelloni, C. Lutken, V. Asper, M. Woolsey, R. Jarnagin, A. Diercks, and R.C. Highsmith
Austrobdella cairae n. sp., an Oioxenous Marine Leech (Clitellata: Piscicolidae) from the Banded Guitarfish, Zapteryx exasperata, in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean, Stephen S. Curran, Anna J. Phillips, Robin M. Overstreet, George W. Benz, and Alan D. Henningsen
Comparative Ontogeny of the Feeding Apparatus of Sympatric Drums (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) in the Chesapeake Bay, Alison L. Deary and Eric J. Hilton
Shifts of Sensory Modalities in Early Life History Stage Estuarine Fishes (Sciaenidae) from the Chesapeake Bay Using X-ray Micro Computed Tomography, Alison L. Deary, Brian Metscher, Richard W. Brill, and Eric J. Hilton
Development and Ossification of the Feeding Apparatus in the Larvae of Two Co-occurring Species of Kob (Sciaenidae), Argyrosomus japonicus and Argyrosomus inodorus, in South Africa, A.L. Deary, P. Pattrick, and N.A. Strydom
Estimation of the Length-at-Age Relationship of Mississippi's Spotted Seatrout, David A. Dippold, Robert T. Leaf, J. Read Hendon, and James S. Franks
Evaluating Management Regimes Using Per-Recruit Models and Relative Stock Density for Mississippi's Spotted Seatrout, David A. Dippold, Robert T. Leaf, and Mark S. Peterson
New Species of Plagioporous Stafford, 1904 (Digenea: Opecoelidae) From California, With an Amendment of the Genus and a Phylogeny of Freshwater Plagioporines of the Holarctic, Thomas J. Fayton and Michael J. Andres
Two New Species of Homalometron (Digenea: Apocreadiidae) From Nearctic Freshwater Fundulids, Elucidation of the Life Cycle of H. cupuloris, and Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Some Congeners, Thomas J. Fayton, Stephen S. Curran, Michael J. Andres, Robin M. Overstreet, and Chris T. McAllister
Seasonal Phytoplankton Blooms in the North Atlantic Linked to the Overwintering Strategies of Copepods, Kevin D. Friedland, Nicholas R. Record, Rebecca G. Asch, Trond Kristiansen, Vincent S. Saba, Kenneth F. Drinkwater, Stephanie Henson, Robert T. Leaf, Ryan E. Morse, David G. Johns, Scott I. Large, Solfrid S. Hjollo, Janet A. Nye, Mike A. Alexander, and Rubao Ji
Methane Emissions From Oceans, Coasts, and Freshwater Habitats: New Perspectives and Feedbacks On Climate, Leila J. Hamdan and Kimberly P. Wickland
Molecular Identification and Functional Characteristics of Peptide Transporters In the Bonnethead Shark (Sphyrna tiburo), Hannah R. Hart, Andrew Evans, James Gelsleichter, and Gregory A. Ahearn
Simultaneous Exposure to Chronic Hypoxia and Dissolved Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Results in Reduced Egg Production and Larval Survival in the Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus), Bryan M. Hedgpeth and Robert J. Griffitt
Condition of Larval Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Relative to Environmental Variability and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Frank J. Hernandez Jr., J.E. Filbrun, J. Fang, and John Timothy Ransom
Sargassum Coverage in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico During 2010 from Landsat and Airborne Observations: Implications for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impact Assessment, Chuanmin Hu, Robert Hardy, Eric Ruder, Amelia Geggel, Lian Feng, Sean Powers, and Frank J. Hernandez Jr.
The Use of Marine Aquaculture Solid Waste For Nursery Production of the Salt Marsh Plants Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus, Heather M. Joesting, Reginald B. Blaylock, Patrick Biber, and Andrew Ray
Regional Genetic Structure and Genetic Founder Effects in the Invasive Lionfish: Comparing the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and North Atlantic, John Johnson, Christopher E. Bird, Michelle A. Johnston, Alexander Q. Fogg, and J. Derek Hogan
Do Vertebral Chemical Signatures Distinguish Juvenile Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) Nursery Regions in the Northern Gulf of Mexico?, Justin P. Lewis, William F. Patterson III, John K. Carlson, and Katherine McLachlin
Threshold and Resilience Management of Coupled Urbanization and Water Environmental System in the Rapidly Changing Coastal Region, Yangfan Li, Yi Li, and Wei Wu
Helminth Parasites of the Blackstripe Topminnow, Fundulus notatus (Cyprinodontiformes: Fundulidae), from Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA, Chris T. McAllister, Charles R. Bursey, Thomas J. Fayton, Donald G. Cloutman, Henry W. Robison, Matthew B. Connior, and Stanley E. Trauth
Helminth Parasites of the Northern Studfish, Fundulus catenatus (Cypriniformes: Fundulidae) from the Ouachita and Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, USA, Chris T. McAllister, Charles R. Bursey, William F. Font, Henry W. Robison, Stanley E. Trauth, Donald G. Cloutman, and Thomas J. Fayton
Two New Paratanaid Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida) From the Hawaiian Islands, With Illustrated Taxonomic Keys, Andrès G. Morales-Núñez, Sara Pelleteri, and Richard W. Heard
Fishing and Bottom Water Temperature as Drivers of Change in Maximum Shell Length in Atlantic Surfclams (Spisula solidissima), D.M. Munroe, D.A. Narvaez, D. Hennen, L. Jacobson, R. Mann, E.E. Hofmann, E.N. Powell, and J.M. Klinck
Host-Symbiont Relationships: Understanding the Change From Guest to Pest, Robin M. Overstreet and Jeffrey M. Lotz
Consistent SpatioTemporal Estuarine Habitat Use During Emigration or Immigration of a Western Population of Gulf Sturgeon, Mark S. Peterson, Jeanne-Marie Havrylkoff, Paul O. Grammer, Paul Mickle, and William T. Slack
Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Characteristics of Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann) (Saltmarsh Topminnow) in Coastal Mississippi Watersheds, with Comments on Range-Wide Occurrences Based on Non-Vouchered and Museum Records, Mark S. Peterson, William T. Slack, and Erik T. Lang
Captains' Response to a Declining Stock as Anticipated in the Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Fishery On the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Coast by Model, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Eileen E. Hofmann, Paula Moreno, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, Daphne M. Munroe, and Roger Mann
Captains' Response to a Declining Stock as Anticipated in the Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Fishery on the US Mid-Atlantic Coast by Model Evaluation, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Eileen E. Hofmann, Paula Moreno, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, Daphne M. Munroe, and Roger Mann
How Well Do We Know the Infaunal Biomass of the Continental Shelf?, Eric N. Powell and Roger Mann
The Allometry of Oysters: Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Length-Biomass Relationships for Crassostrea virginica, Eric N. Powell, Roger Mann, Kathryn N. Ashton-Alcox, Yungkul Kim, and David Bushek
Condition of Larval Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus maculatus in Relation to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, John Timothy Ransom, J.E. Filbrun, and Frank J. Hernandez Jr.
Novel Infection Site and Ecology of Cryptic Didymocystis sp. (Trematoda) in the Fish Scomberomorus maculatus, Meagan N. Schrandt, Michael J. Andres, Sean P. Powers, and Robin M. Overstreet
Assessing Petroleum Contamination in Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Megalopae Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Joseph Sinski, Harriet M. Perry, and Jeffrey Exner
Feeding Ecology of Larval Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus thynnus, from the Central Gulf of Mexico, Jason D. Tilley, Christopher M. Butler, Eduardo Suarez-Morales, James S. Franks, Eric R. Hoffmayer, Dyan P. Gibson, Bruce H. Comyns, G. Walter Ingram Jr., and E. Mae Blake
Halobacteriovorax, an Underestimated Predator on Bacteria: Potential Impact Relative to Viruses on Bacterial Mortality, Henry N. Williams, Despoina S. Lymperopoulou, Rana Athar, Ashvini Chauthan, Tamar L. Dickerson, Huan Chen, Edward Laws, Timkhite-Kulu Berhane, Adrienne R. Flowers, Nadine Bradley, Shanterial Young, Denene Blackwood, Jacqueline Murray, Oladipupo Mustapha, Cory Blackwell, Yahsuan Tung, and Rachel T. Noble
Atlantic Surfclam Connectivity within the Middle Atlantic Bight: Mechanisms Underlying Variation in Larval Transport and Settlement, Xinzhong Zhang, Daphne Munroe, Dale Haidvogel, and Eric N. Powell
Submissions from 2015
Photo-Induced Toxicity of Deepwater Horizon Slick Oil to Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Larvae, Matthew M. Alloy, Idrissa Boube, Robert J. Griffitt, James T. Oris, and Aaron P. Roberts
An Additional Genus and Two Additional Species of Forticulcitinae (Digenea: Haploporidae), Michael J. Andres, Stephen S. Curran, Thomas J. Fayton, Eric E. Pulis, and Robin M. Overstreet
A Histological Study of Gametogenesis In Captive Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus, Agnès Bardon-Albaret, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Jason T. Lemus, Angelos Apeitos, and Eric A. Saillant
Parasite transmission through suspension feeding, Tal Ben-Horin, Gorka Bidegain, Lauren Huey, Diego A. Narvaez, and David Bushek
Predicting Coexistence and Predominance Patterns Between the Introduced Manila Clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) and the European Native Clam (Ruditapes decussatus), Gorka Bidegain, Javier Francisco Bárcena, Andrés García, and José Antonio Juanes
Assessing the Suitability of the Minimum Capture Size and Protection Regimes In the Gooseneck Barnacle Shellfishery, Gorka Bidegain, Xabier Guinda, Marta Sestelo, Javier Roca-Pardiñas, Araceli Puente, and José Antonio Juanes
Feeding Ecomorphology of Seven Demersal Marine Fish Species In the Mexican Pacific Ocean, Jimena Bohórquez-Herrera, Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona, Dean C. Adams, and Mark S. Peterson
A Multiple Endpoint Analysis of the Effects of Chronic Exposure to Sediment Contaminated with Deepwater Horizon Oil On Juvenile Southern Flounder and Their Associated Microbiomes, Nancy J. Brown-Peterson, Michelle Krasnec, Ryan Takeshita, Caitlin N. Ryan, Kimberly J. Griffitt, Claire Lay, Gregory D. Mayer, Keith M. Bayha, William E. Hawkins, Jeffrey Morris, and Robert J. Griffitt
Living on the Edge: Settlement Patterns by the Symbiotic Barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis on Small Cetaceans, Juan M. Carillo, Robin M. Overstreet, Juan A. Raga, and Francisco J. Aznar
Fish Rely On Scyphozoan Hosts As a Primary Food Source: Evidence From Stable Isotope Analysis, Isabella D'Ambra, William M. Graham, Ruth H. Carmichael, and Frank J. Hernandez Jr.
Cryptapseudes leroyi, a New Species of Apseudomorphan Tanaidacean (Crustacea: Peracarida: Metapseudidae) From the Hawaiian Archipelago, Shanna E. David and Richard W. Heard
Functional Equivalence of Constructed and Natural Intertidal Eastern Oyster Reef Habitats In a Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuary, Kevin S. Dillon, Mark S. Peterson, and Christopher A. May
A Novel Species of Euspondylus (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) From the Andes Mountains of Central Peru, Tiffany M. Doan and Grant Adams
Spring Bloom Dynamics and Zooplankton Biomass Response On the US Northeast Continental Shelf, Kevin D. Friedland, Robert T. Leaf, Joe Kane, Desiree Tommasi, Rebecca G. Asch, Nathan Rebuck, Rubao Ji, Scott I. Large, Charles Stock, and Vincent S. Saba
Layered Effects of Parental Condition and Larval Survival On the Recruitment of Neighboring Haddock Stocks, Kevin D. Friedland, Robert T. Leaf, Trond Kristiansen, and Scott I. Large
Activity Patterns of Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) In the Staging Area of the Pascagoula River During Fall Outmigration, Paul O. Grammer, Paul F. Mickle, Mark S. Peterson, Jeanne-Marie Havrylkoff, William T. Slack, and Robert R. Leaf
Development of a Modified Cortisol Extraction Procedure for Intermediately Sized Fish Not Amenable to Whole-Body or Plasma Extraction Methods, Taylor W. Guest, Reginald B. Blaylock, and Andrew N. Evans
Nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae Non-O1/O139 Isolate From a Case of Human Gastroenteritis In the U.S. Gulf Coast, Nur A. Hasan, Talayeh Rezayat, Peter J. Blatz, Seon Young Choi, Kimberly J. Griffitt, Shah M. Rashed, Anwar Huq, Nicholas G. Conger, Rita R. Colwell, and D. Jay Grimes
Cyathura odaliscae, a new species of anthurid isopod (Crustacea: Peracarida) from a brackish habitat on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Richard W. Heard and Rita Vargas
A Comparison of Single and Multiple Stressor Protocols To Assess Acute Stress In a Coastal Shark Species, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, Eric R. Hoffmayer, Jill M. Hendon, Glenn R. Parsons, William B. Driggers, and Matthew D. Campbell
Population Structure of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) In U.S. Waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean and the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Christopher M. Hollenbeck, David S. Portnoy, Eric Saillant, and John R. Gold
Previous Exposure to Novel Prey Improves the Feeding Success of Hatchery-Reared Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier, 1830) Within Habitat Structure, Lauren A. Jackson, Chet F. Rakocinski, and Reginald Blaylock
Previous Exposure to Novel Prey Improves the Feeding Success of Hatchery-Reared Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier, 1830) Within Habitat Structure, Lauren A. Jackson, Chet F. Rakocinski, and Reginald B. Blaylock
The Impact of Associated Bacteria On Morphology and Physiology of the Dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense, Cécile Jauzein, Andrew N. Evans, and Deana L. Erdner
Moisture Content, Temperature, and Relative Humidity Influence Seed Storage and Subsequent Survival and Germination of Vallisneria americana Seeds, Philip J. Kauth and Patrick D. Biber
The Exposed Surface Area to Volume Ratio: Is Shell More Efficient Than Limestone In Promoting Oyster Recruitment?, Kelsey M. Kuykendall, Paula Moreno, Eric N. Powell, Thomas M. Soniat, Susan Colley, Roger Mann, and Daphne M. Munroe
Diversity, Specificity and Speciation In Larval Diplostomidae (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) In the Eyes of Freshwater Fish, As Revealed By DNA Barcodes, Sean A. Locke, Fatima S. Al-Nasiri, Monica Caffara, Fabiana Drago, Martin Kalbe, Angela Rose Lapierre, J. Daniel McLaughlin, Pin Nie, Robin M. Overstreet, Geza T.R. Souza, Ricardo M. Takemoto, and David J. Marcogliese
Body Condition and Foraging Patterns of Nekton from Salt Marsh Habitats Arrayed Along a Gradient of Urbanization, Michael R. Lowe and Mark S. Peterson
Autotrophic Net Productivity Patterns At Four Artificial Reef Sites In the Mississippi Sound, Viviana Mazzei and Patrick Biber
Autotrophic Net Productivity Patterns At Four Artificial Reef Sites In the Mississippi Sound, Viviana Mazzei and Patrick D. Biber
Helminth Parasites of the Dark-Sided Salamander, Eurycea longicauda melanopleura (Caudata: Plethodontidae), From Arkansas, Chris T. McAllister, Charles R. Bursey, Matthew B. Connior, Henry W. Robison, and Thomas J. Fayton
Trematode Parasites (Digenea) of the Slender Madtom Noturus exilis and Black River Madtom Noturus maydeni (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae) From Arkansas, U.S.A, Chris T. Mcallister, William F. Font, Matthew B. Connior, Henry W. Robison, Thomas J. Fayton, Nicholas G. Stokes, and Charles D. Criscione
Cacoheterotanais rogerbamberi, a New Genus and Species of Leptocheliid Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) From Shelf-Waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Andrés G. Morales-Núñez and Richard W. Heard
Paratanais waltsikorai, a New Tanaidacean (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidomorpha: Paratanaidae) From Bermuda, Andrés G. Morales-Núñez and Richard W. Heard
Estimating the Sex Composition of the Summer Flounder Catch Using Fishery-Independent Data, Jason M. Morson, Eleanor A. Bochenek, Eric N. Powell, Emerson C. Hasbrouck, Jennifer E. Gius, Charles F. Cotton, Kristin Gerbino, and Tara Froehlich
Outcomes of Asymmetric Selection Pressure and Larval Dispersal On Evolution of Disease Resistance: A Metapopulation Modeling Study With Oysters, Daphne M. Munroe, Eric N. Powell, Susan E. Ford, Eileen E. Hofmann, and John M. Klinck
Long-Term Dynamics In Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Populations: The Role of Bottom Water Temperature, Diego A. Narváez, Daphne M. Munroe, Eileen E. Hofmann, John M. Klinck, Eric N. Powell, Roger Mann, and Enrique Curchitser
Managing Bay and Estuarine Ecosystems for Multiple Services, Lisa A. Needles, Sarah E. Lester, Richard Ambrose, Anders Andren, Marc Beyeler, Michael S. Connor, James E. Eckman, Barry A. Costa-Pierce, Steven D. Gaines, Kevin D. Lafferty, Hunter S. Lenihan, Julia Parrish, Mark S. Peterson, Amy E. Scaroni, Judith S. Weis, and Dean E. Wendt
Dollfustrema durum n. sp. and Heterobucephalopsis perardua n. sp. (Digenea: Bucephalidae) from the giant moray eel, Gymnothorax javanicus (Bleeker) (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae), and proposal of the Heterobucephalopsinae n. subfam, Matthew J. Nolan, Stephen S. Curran, Terrence L. Miller, Scott C. Cutmore, Cinzia Cantacessi, and Thomas H. Cribb
The Last Interglacial Stage: Definitions and Marine Highstand, North America and Eurasia, Ervin G. Otvos
Heavy Metals In Red Crabs, Chaceon quinquedens, from the Gulf of Mexico, Harriet Perry, Wayne Isphording, Christine Trigg, and Ralf Riedel
Models of Marine Molluscan Diseases: Trends and Challenges, Eric N. Powell and Eileen E. Hofmann
The Regional Spatial Structure of Parasites and Pathologies in Oysters and Mussels in the United States: 16 Years of Mussel Watch, Eric N. Powell and Yungkul Kim
Temporal Structure and Trends of Parasites and Pathologies in U.S. Oysters and Mussels: 16 Years of Mussel Watch, Eric N. Powell, Yungkul Kim, and David Bushek
The Value of Captains' Behavioral Choices In the Success of the Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Fishery On the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Coast: A Model Evaluation, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Daphne M. Munroe, Eileen E. Hofmann, Paula Moreno, and Roger Mann
Climate-Driven Population Size Fluctuations of Jellyfish (Chrysaora plocamia) Off Peru, Javier Quiñones, Hermes Mianzan, Sara Purca, Kelly L. Robinson, Grant D. Adams, and E. Marcelo Acha
Regional Patterns in the Otolith Chemistry of Juvenile Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) Differ Under Contrasting Hydrological Regimes, Chet F. Rakocinski, Bruce H. Comyns, Mark S. Peterson, and Alan M. Shiller
Climate-Related Meteorological and Hydrological Regimes and Their Influence On Recruitment of Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) In the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Guillermo Sanchez-Rubio and Harriet Perry
Influence of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) On Anti-Predator Behaviour Within Experimental Mesocosms, Mauro Sinopoli, Carlo Cattano, Franco Andaloro, Gianluca Sarà, Christopher M. Butler, and Michele Gristina
Prosthenystera oonastica n. sp. (Digenea: Callodistomidae) From Ictalurid Catfishes In Southeastern United States and Molecular Evidence Differentiating Species In the Genus Across Americas, Vasyl V. Tkach and Stephen S. Curran
Neutral Models As a Way To Evaluate the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM), Wei Wu, Kevin M. Yeager, Mark S. Peterson, and Richard S. Fulford
Modeling Larval Connectivity of the Atlantic Surfclams Within the Middle Atlantic Bight: Model Development, Larval Dispersal and Metapopulation Connectivity, Xinzhong Zhang, Dale Haidvogel, Daphne Munroe, Eric N. Powell, John Klinck, Roger Mann, and Frederic S. Castruccio